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scribing a discharge summary - ?

Posted: Sep 21, 2011

Had a dictation this morning where the physician said "dictating a discharge summary" and then changed it to "scribing a discharge summary" and not sure what to think of that.  Any ideas?

Not sure, but - JS

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the doc probably means that instead of dictating and having someone type up the discharge summary, it will be done through a scribe or by him/herself with the built-in point-and-click system available through the EMR.

Now, I do not know whether it has to be stated on the report that the record is being done through the point-and-click system and that's why they are saying it (I don't know much about it, but I can't see how they could have every possible diagnosis/treatment plan/circumstance/chief complaint/etc. available as selections, and perhaps it's less accurate). They could be frustrated with the fact that they have to use this system and just venting... many docs do not like it. Just a few guesses.

scribing - ?

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He dictated the entire report but he never says "scribing" and that concerns me with all the changes going on in the MT world. Curious if this is another account about to be lost. :(

Was it the discharge summary - JS

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and if so, was the entire report dictated? I'm asking because what I've seen where this EMR feature is available, only certain parts of the report are being dictated, and the sections that can be easily filled in by the office staff from a patient intake form (ROS, medical history, etc.) are being done so through the point-and-click method. This shortens the reports for us on our end, but the work is still there.

Now, many of these programs are coming with a combination of the point and click as well as front-end voice wreck (Dragon). With this option, the transcriptionist is not needed at all, and whoever is dictating edits the voice wreck as they go. Also, some practices are using 100% point and click with use of a scribe on site who accompanies them into the exam room and points and clicks what the examiner tells them to. These 2 situations are where the transcriptionist is no longer needed. However, there will be some practices where the voice wreck will not be able to be used effectively (i.e., the speed talkers, difficult ESLs, and those who dictate with rocks in their mouths), physicians who find the point and click more time consuming and an MT actually winds up being more cost effective, and practices where it would be unacceptable to have a scribe in the patient exam room (psych, GYN, etc.). Overall, there will be work there for the MT. Will it be less? Yup. Will a lot of it be junk work that can't be VRed? Unfortunately, yup.
Yes, it was - sm
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the entire DS, as normally dictated.

Medical Scribing - Wittyoma

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There is that new career starting up called "Medical Scribing." Basically, the doctors are getting tired of typing things in themselves, so "someone" thought of a new career where "medical scribers" actually sit in at the appointment, ER, OR, or wherever the doctor is dictating from, and actually type while the doctor is speaking, i.e., like court reporting but medical instead. I have already seen schools advertising for people to enroll. I don't know what else you would have to know besides transcription to be eligible for the job, but the pay starts out at $12.00/hour and goes up quite high. I have already seen doctor offices advertising for "medical scribers." Of course, for us who want to type at home, that doesn't give much encouragement, but it sure sounds better than my 7.2 cents/line.

medical scribes - KV

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In my town, the scribe jobs are strictly for premed and nursing students. At the time I found out that one of the hospitals had a position like this it was too late. They claimed they advertised at the university, but I am sure it was word of mouth from one friend to another, and they did not advertise at the nursing school. I am an MT and have been for 15+ years. They were not interested in me.

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