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Scribing - jibber64

Posted: Apr 25, 2015

For all who have decided to look for employment outside of traditional transcription, I suggest scribing. Yes, you do have to actually go into work, but you're using your skills most of us have had for years.  I currently scribe and it is far more rewarding than what I am getting from this job. The doctors I currently am scribing for are wonderful to work for and they work with you to help document correctly. They do not criticize you, demean you or even dock your pay. Best of all, I get a paycheck I can count on and am never out of work!!

Scribe - Not here

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You must not be in Illinois. Here, they pay $8.35 hour and you have to sign a TWO-YEAR contract to stay with them! (Indentured servitude as I see it).

That is one company! - sm

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That was based on your experience with one contract scribe company. You cannot continue insisting that ALL scribe jobs in that entire state are exactly the same. That is overgeneralizing.

You probably can find a scribe job with a physician group that pays better than that. They will agree to it because if they use a contract scribe, they pay the company two to three times what the scribe gets.

There is more than just one job. If you had kept at it, you could have had one of them by now.

scribing - jibber64

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Yeah, I'm not through a scribing company, but with a private group of doctors. And I'm getting paid what a transcriptionist makes of over 10+ years experience.
Aren't scribes notoriously paid poorly? - Tired
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I thought scribes were paid about as poorly as we are. And then you have to pay for gas to go to work, pay for clothes or uniforms, and pay for who knows what else....all on crap for wages. So I don't think so.
Scribing won't be around long. It'll be replaced - by point-n-click before long.
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In addition to the low pay, the thought of following the doc around all day, and being in the same room with patients and who knows how many communicable diseases each day just has no appeal to me.

Always glad to hear someone made it out. - Please sm

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You sound enthusiastic about your job. :) Thanks for trying to be helpful. The scribes in my area may not be paid megabucks, but it is quite a bit more than what I make at N. The rare local listings have been for part time and I need full time (sole family income). My resume is ready to send if a full-time spot presents itself. In the meantime, I will keep looking for *anything* that will be a good fit for me.

I applied for a scribe position with a small practice here - sm

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I wasn't chosen, but they were offering $16 an hour for someone with transcription experience to travel with a specialist to their outlying clinic areas on top of main office with them. They basically were sick of entering stuff into EMR so you do that for them and type in any additional notes, letters, etc. they need.

scribing - Cindy

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Scribing sounds like a wonderful opportunity for the right person. I don't think I'd like it very much however. I would feel very awkward being in a room with a patient with whom I didn't interact. I'd probably be fired the first day because I would keep engaging the patients in conversation. My doctor's productivity would probably go down as a result of me being a scribe and we would both be fired. :)

scribing - kmouse

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Scribing sounds like a good job. How does one go about applying for such a job? What state are you in that you got such a nice job?

scribing - anon

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I had a recent doctor's appointment and they had a scribe. I asked if they were still hiring and they were considering it. (this is a large group practice) However, the scribe was their MA that they trained to do the scribe, and she fills in as an MA still when needed. The doctors are fed up with the EMR and all of the errors in SR and this is why they are hiring scribes. Unfortunately for me, at this point it doesn't look like something I can do at least for this group practice.

I have seen scribe listings on careerbuilder. - HangingInThere

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I have seen scribe positions posted on Careerbuilder for my local area and in a local newspaper listing. First time I have ever seen this was about a month ago. It must be up and coming. It appears as if you are basically transposing medical record information as the physician is seeing the patient. It appears to bypass transcription and speech recognition and the doctor isn't responsible for imputing the information, and they do not have to hire companies for this service.

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