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Whose ears are getting blasted by dictator's computer noises? - incoming emails are killing my eardrums

Posted: Aug 20, 2014

Holy mackerel, there is no predicting when they will get an email.

I get cell phones, vacuum cleaners, loud conversations - - you name it. nm

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I've refused to do certain dictators - due to that

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I contacted my manager and said look, he speaks softly so the volume has to be up, then he gets an email or his phone goes off and it's excruciating. Went to the ENT and got a note attesting to the toll that crap takes on hearing and now I simply refuse to do that doctor.

I think workers com p cases should be filed but not on the MTSO, on the doctor (Yes, I know that's not possible) but since the doc is the one causing the problem, he should pay up.

and do you actually have tinnitus? sm - anon

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I'm surprised your MTSO lets you get away with that. Doc's note is a little extreme, don't you think? I mean, it's common knowledge if not common sense what many years of exposure could evolve into. Too bad voice files cannot be saved to prove it happens at all, or enough to be rewarded legally if that were an option. You would probably have to go deaf in one or both ears for that. (Doctor's note. You tickle me.)

get away with what - due to that

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I'm not getting away with anything. This doctor is a primadona who has been asked to speak louder and has been asked to not have his recorder where it will pick up these sounds. I'm not talking a small sound. I'm talking you have to turn the volume up all the way to hear him so when you get an email sound or his phone rings, you throw off the headset. I've had 20% MORE loss of hearing in the year of doing this guy. So I'm not doing him anymore.

And my MTSO is happy to have me and knows my worth so if that's what you think I'm "getting away with" well yes, she allows me to not transcribe him because she'd rather not lose me. If no one else is taking that stance on the account, that's their bad.
Replying to "get away with what" - eom
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Good for you. When I did MT and encountered a doctor who was too mean/stupid to speak normally and set the recorder so that it would not pick up unnecessary sounds, I would always refuse those files. My good health will always come first.
Oh, so it's really about boss not wanting to lose your talents - and not ear damage.
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which would not require a (potential job hazard) note from a doctor at all. Still think that was extreme, but cute. What can I say - it tickles me. No biggie. It is what it is, whatever that is.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Loud TVs and kids screaming nearby... - SickNTired

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The louder the background noise, the more quietly the doctor dictates. :(

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