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Well it was bound to happen. - Ticked Off

Posted: May 21, 2012

Well I've been reading about it. Looks like it might happen in my neck of the woods now.  I work in a radiology department in a hospital where I get a semi-decent hourly wage plus incentive pay and it turns out to be a pretty decent job for me. We are short-staffed due to the inability to find qualified help or even just "trainable help" these days.

I just got word that if we cannot keep up with our workload, it will be outsourced. My boss just told me within the last six months and stressed to me that this WOULD NOT happen at OUR hospital because the doctors wanted to keep the work here. We have a couple of radiologists who will absolutely blow a gasket if they get the quality of reports that I've read about from outsourced work. And I'm not talking about some of the more conscientious smaller companies..you know who I'm referring to. 

I am expecting a baby in the next four months, the father has decided he wants to wash his hands of us and I MUST have this job to survive. I've been driving back and forth an hour each way for almost a year now because this is a much better job than I can find in the small town where I live. I am taking another course in a totally different career field but I don't expect to finish that in the next six months or so. I don't know how long this change will take or if they will just walk in one day and say "Bye everyone!". I'm just so frustrated. Sorry for the rant, but this has been a good career for me for more than 10 years now and I'm afraid I'm watching it go right down the drain. And I have no other skills. I didn't think I needed them because this WAS a good field at one time.

not 100% sure, but I think - sm

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that if you are outsourced, that you will have an opportunity to move with the job to an on-line position. From what I've seen that helps insure that the client remains happy as the quality of the work is not compromised due to lack of familiarity. But you will probably take some reduction in pay too.

But... - Ticked Off

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Problem is, I average $17-22 an hour. From what I understand from those that are already dealing with kind of thing, they struggle to just get minimum wage these days. I do spend a lot on gas and travel time but I just worry that the cut will be too great. With the baby on the way I am scared to death. I'm hoping the doctors raise too much you-know-what and refuse to outsource. I don't know if they CAN refuse but hopefully so.

I have never made less than $22 an hour on radiology with an MTSO and usually more. sm - RadPro

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There are a few companies out there that have a lot of radiology work, and you should easily make more than you do at the hospital. Even on VR editing with radiology, I average $26 an hour.

As for the quality, it is probably better than you think. Most radiology MT's come from hospitals that are outsourced, so the quality is very good, same as with an in-house team.

Ticked off - SM

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Sorry to hear of all the stress you're feeling.

I'm glad you mentioned not being able to find good help or "trainable" help because it really does hit home that GOOD MTs are hard to find.

You are likely to be offered a job and yes, it would likely be at a pay cut unfortunately. Maybe with cutting out travel you'd get back a little of what you lost but you're smart to start looking now at how you will handle things.

Good luck!!

and don't forget daycare when the baby comes! - anon

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that is a biggie!

WRONG - me

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You can't type and feed a baby at the same time so please PLEASE don't buy into the hype that you can do this at home while rocking your baby. That's crap.

Even if you are working at home, you will want to make sure you have some relief from child care in order to work.
I think you misunderstood. The poster specifically said daycare - sm
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which means someone to care for the baby while poster is working.
Okay it is early for me. I am the one who misunderstood - sm
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I see now you mean cutting back on daycare expenses. I need coffee!!!

What state do you live in? I'm in CA, and have - applied for multiple in-hospital radiology - sm

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jobs. Opposite problem out here - for every single job there are scores of applicants. Whenever I apply, a million people interview for it, and somebody other than me always gets the job.

Ticked off, this is likely to turn out better for you. For all - the horror stories here, working

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at home will give you much more of the flexibility a mother really, really, really needs. You'll be more available for your child and avoid so much of the stress and guilt moms working outside face. Working at home will get you back the hour you're losing now and save the money spent commuting. Even if you have to pay someone to care for the baby, it'll be worth it.

One potential problem I see, once you work yourself into a profitable degree of familiarity with new accounts, is that you could end up isolated and closed in at home. Babies can do that all by themselves, without even adding in the 7-8 hours at a computer. Hopefully you have family and friends in your town who'll keep that from happening? If not, you'll have to design some outside activities into your week. A Mommy-and-Me group? Some kind of singles activity?

BTW, my mega-MTSO Nuance has radiology and offers a 35-hour schedule with benefits.

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