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WHAT NERVE! - gigi

Posted: Feb 15, 2011

"Experienced, high volume and ready to work". Oh yes, and they pay 7 cents a line - whoopee!


That's the reality we are facing. The industry is not the same as it was - 10 years ago. nm

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I guess they'll soon require we bring our own clients - sm

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to transcribe and still pay lousy!

They must've underbid just to get the account...nm - overworkedMT

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I'd like to see one of those bloodsuckers try to live - for a year on the crummy pay they offer! nm

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You will never change practices of MTSO but unless you change - how you react to MTSO you will

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give yourself a heart attack or ulcer. At the very least, your over the top reaction will make you a very bitter, unhappy person.

That is true - oldMTupnorth

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The MTSO that got the bid on our hospital, satellite office and overflow 45-person MTSO account seriously underbid and promised the moon and stars. Problem is, they didn't understand the account, offered the hospital MTs "jobs" at 7 cpl and we all said no way. Since MTSO didn't spend a heck of a lot of time training their managers at the hospital, managers were unable to train their MTs very well. Their MTs, many inexperienced, but not very well trained, infuriate these docs on a regular basis with their errors. The MTSO needed help lest lose the account (they also can't get their system to work with the hosp and are months overdue with the transition) so they came back and offered the hosp MTs close to $2/report. A few took it and are carrying the account, but this is temporary as the MTSO is insisting they cannot sustain that wage and will reduce pay to 7cpl once they are online. That will be the day the former hosp employees quit.

The hospital wanted to save $ but they want quality and cannot have both and this has been a big lesson for them. The docs now know what they want - quality for less money than what they were paying. There is a happy medium, however, between MTSO's 7 cpl and hospital wages (some who had been there for decades were making >30/hr and doing very little production), which on average was about $22/hr with fantastic bennies.

It will be interesting to see what happens if this MTSO cannot get up and running. Perhaps hosp will hire in-house again and not let MTs get away with what they did. A 5-person agency contracted to handle the hospital overflow consistently out-paced the hospital staff, but couldn't offer the technology - just the lady-brain-finger power. Maybe the technology isn't all it's cracked up to be either. THey already hate VR in the one dept that has it. Maybe it's time to convince the docs that there is a happy medium. Someone on another thread stated it very well - we have the mass. We can affect change.

can relate! - gertie

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I was offered a whopping 7 cpl on VBC (no spaces) and happily said, "hell no!" I'm surprised the "uglies" haven't come out yet - I got a few "oh well, then someone else will take it and you won't have a job," on here. I simply refuse to work for crap and so far, I haven't starved and did manage to find a very good paying IC position. We all need to make "hell no" our standard response to these companies. I would suppose that for a newbie getting their foot in the door those rates would be acceptable and probably very good, but for a seasoned MT? No way Jose!! I'm happy you find this offensive too!

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