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Typed, "the patient lives with her son and son-in-law" - for the first time today

Posted: Oct 14, 2013

Love this!  I don't live in a state that allows gay marriage so it makes my heart happy when I see it enter medical records.  The world is finally changing in a good way. 

But when I first read this I thought - Kendra

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her son and then her daughter's husband, I did not read as son and partner.

lol where did the daughter go then? - they hooked up and made the

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daughter move out lmbo

She may have passed on - nm

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I see your point - but
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the way it reads it seems to be a gay couple. Oh well it was my happy thought for the day :)

A good way? - xxxx

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Not so much.

Son and son-in-law - MT headed

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My first thought was that the provider misspoke and it should have been "the patient lives with her daughter and son in-law." The possibility of the son and son-in-law being a gay couple would never have entered my mind. Actually, I probably would have flagged it for QA so that they could confirm it with the provider.

I think it's neigther good or bad. Should not - "make you happy" or unhappy

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It is a medical report. As MTs we should not be forming opinions about other people's personal life styles. That is not our place. Our place is to type a report for the record.

Your opinion that you think is a "good way". Others do not. Does not mean you are right and they are wrong. It's all your opinion.

I have no feeling good or bad about it. Not my life choice. If it makes them happy that's great. Their relationship does not affect mine. In fact I don't even know if my state allows gay marriage and I could care less. Does not affect my marriage and that's the way it should be.

We should not be caring what personal information is entered in medical records. Not our place. Only to type the best report we can for the best level of health care. Not judge others.

Also, - "make you happy" or unhappy

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how would you like it if some MT was typing a report of your and was judging whether or not your personal lifestyle choices made them happy or unhappy.

How about if some MT came here and wrote that they typed the same report and it did not make them happy to know that info was put in the record. How would that patient feel to find out the person typing their report was telling everyone their feeling of his/her dislike of their lifestyle choices.

Again, it is not our place to judge others lifestyles. We should not feel happy or unhappy about what information goes into a patients medical record. Let alone tell other people.

This was basic MT101 we learned in school. We are hired to do a job. Type an accurate report for a patient for their medical record. Not judge and tell others whether something of a patients personal life makes us happy or unhappy.

Interesting--I was never told not to - have an opinion.

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Does it matter? Does it change the patient's treatment or my transcribing of the document? No. It just means I have an opinion and that is all.

As to what people think about me when they transcribe my medical reports, I don't care. I have no way to know what they think and it doesn't affect my life.

dear lord. you must be a JOY at parties. - smdh

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Do you walk around sharing personal information about patients - at parties?

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Patients personal lives are just that...personal. I'd be p.o.'d if I found out some MT went on some social site talking about my personal life and whether it made her happy or not.

Makes my heart happy, too! - :) nm

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You are making a big stretch - MT Headed

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...by assuming that this is a gay couple. I still question if the provider is misspeaking. Also, unless it was actually stated so in the report, you know nothing of this person's sexual orientation. Just because this person lives with her son and son-in-law, it does not mean that any of them are gay. There are a lot of blended families these days and a lot of people have same-sex roommates for financial reasons. I share the views of some of the others. I would never want anyone sharing something that they had transcribed about me publicly, even though no names were revealed. What we hear at work is supposed to stay at work.

Thank you, this is what I meant about sharing this type of info - Also

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If we were at work and we said anything to our coworkers about what makes us happy about a patients personal life we would be fired.

Nobody should be commenting on whether or not something in a patients personal life makes them happy or not.

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