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Truffle, how is everything going for you after the breast biopsies? - Sunshine State MT

Posted: Mar 14, 2010

I read where you knew the answer to the Dr. Phil question as you were in MDs office.  Hope all is going well . . . You're in my prayers. Wink

Not so well actually. - truffle

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In my workup for the breast cancer I had a breast MRI which showed a spot in my lung. That was biopsied and shown to be colon cancer. A PET scan has shown colon cancer also. Next Wednesday I'm having lumpectomies for the breast CA, next Monday I start chemo for the colon CA. Prayer is carrying me through this. Thanks for remembering me!

My goodness - Sending prayers your way

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I hope you can keep a positive attitude through this. It's been shown to help.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Thinking good thoughts. nm - MT and worn out

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Positive thoughts and prayers for you nm - Typin_away

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