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Breast cancer term - sm
Posted: Oct 17, 2010
... a deep lesion showed ductal carcinoma in situ, s/l fella type, with high nuclear grade and focal comedonecrosis.
Any help or suggestions appreciated, thank you.
Brca term - Pugmom
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I'd say phylloides but those are generally associated with cystosarcoma and, from my what my doc tells me, the ONLY cystosarcoma that is NOT cancer.
anyone heard of a drug that sounds like Tamara for breast cancer? I know there is Tamoxifen, Tamfen. It is in reference with radiation and Tamara. I can't find anything that sounds like this. ...
This is a pt with recurrent breast cancer.
"She now has a stage I breast cancer, ER/PR positive, HER-2/neu negative measuring 6 mm and with an Oncotype DX score of 22 translating to 14% risk of relapse without the local therapy and hormonal therapy. She has had s/l "fibernase or cybernase" as her radiation with lumpectomy."
Anyone know what this could be?
patient with lumpectomy then double mastectomy. Medication s/l ven-mo-fax-ine or fem-mo-fax-ine HCL 25 mg q.i.d. times several months. She will be on this for 5 years total. Cannot find or figure. Googled "HCL 25 mg breast cancer" but didn't find anything too close. ...
I will type exactly as said. I am unsure how to type.
She states she was first discovered to have cancer metastatic from her breast in 2006, and it has really metastasized quite extensively to her pelvis to the lumbar vertebrae L1 2 2 to 3 and L4 5 and also her right proximal femur and femoral neck. TIA. ...
Does anyone know the correct way to transcribe breast cancer staging when dictated as follows: pT2 "sentinel node 0" MX. I am not sure how to transcribe the dictated "sentinel node 0." Thanks for your help. ...
patient it at high risk of breast cancer recurrence and they recomend utilizing combination chem utilizing s/l dose-stensator, Adriamycin, Cytoxan. Does anyone know what this might be? ...
Oncology/gyne office note dictation:
"Patient with recurrent ovarian carcinoma on s/l six line therapy." Is anyone familiar with this term, or is he saying something else completely? Help!
Gyne oncologist
"38-year-old female who presented with complaints of abdominal swelling. She first noticed this approximately in June of this year. She was found to have both a large ovarian mass with complex features as well as s/l "entrium" pregnancy around 20 wks."
"<s/l "entrium" pregnancy at 20 weeks and large ovarian mass measuring 20 x 12 x 33 cm."
Sounds exactly the same each time. I am well and truly baffled about this one. Help!
Patient has cancer of several sinuses. During the PE doc says "She has s/l meadows in the lower left jaw." Meadows?? I'm wondering if he means "metals" as he is a heavy ESL Asian doc, but that doesn't make sense either. This patient is also Asian and so I'm wondering if this is some cultural thing on the order of tattoos or lip/nose/wherever rings. Anyone have an idea? Thanks so much. ...