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Bird Carcinoma (Breast)? - antigeekess
Posted: Dec 26, 2011
Usually very clear Indian doc is saying something that sounds just like "BIRD carcinoma, for which she underwent a mastectomy." What the heck? Any ideas?
This is the sentence I am dealing with. I cannot figure out what CL would mean. I am leaning towards CA maybe. I am just not sure. Any ideas?
This lymph node was then clipped and ligated and removed from the s/l CL. ...
Biopsy of this right breast mass showed invasive "diahesive" carcinoma, ER positive, PR positive, and HER-2/neu negative (1+).
Doc says twice in document and sounds like Die a hesive both times. ...
Just wanted to say goodbye to all of my MT cohorts and friends. After months of intensive job searching, perseverence, resume tweaking, tears, rejection and then skin thickening (ahem), and giving tons of thought about school versus job versus trying to hang onto transcription, I've landed a new job with a wonderful company. Get this, they have steady paychecks, benefits, and raises. I haven't had those in years. I feel like I'm walking on Cloud 9 and can't even sleep!
Other than MTs on this board few will understand my feeling that the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders! I actually am waking up smiling and eager to face my work day. I know Transcend is a good fit for a great many people, and I tried hard to be one of them but it did not work for me. I don't think I realized just how much I was being affected by working each day for a company I did not trust. I resigned not having another job, something I have ne ...
I've got a muffle-mouth doctor who has the following sentence. Any help? Thanks much.
She had undergone a total thyroidectomy for (fleet) to a carcinoma. ...
Dictation starts off as:
1. Metastatic ovarian cancer with ascites.
2. Gait disturbance.
3. Status-post thyroidectomy.
The fourth one is the one I can not understand. It is extremely jumbled and sounds like he is saying foyatoo carcinoma. I am so completely stumped. Any suggestions???
The patient’s gauzes s/l removed/were moved
Our attention was then returned to the axilla. The patient’s gauzes were moved. The axilla inspected and there was noted to be no bleeding. ...
Hi, I have a report here with vulvar cancer. He is doing a radical vulvectomy for what sounds like varicose carcinoma, but I can't find a reference to that anywhere, has anyone heard of that?
Thanks! ...
I can't figure out the word that is flagged. It seems to start with a "p" and maybe "pr" and seems to end in -ular. Possibly 2 words ___ regular or 1 word ending in __gular?
(___regular) area measuring 1-2 cm in triangular fossa on lateral surface of superior right pinna. This was site of prior biopsy showing invasive squamous cell carcinoma.
Thanks in advance! ...
It sounds familar, but stuck! Dr. says "revealed the presence of what appeared to be a non-small cell lung cancer, fragrans squamous cell." The word in question is "fragrans" ??? Any suggestions appreciated! ...
in the diagnosis the doc says what sounds like myovilleal carcinoma involving the left upper lobe of the lung. Does anyone know what this is? His English is heavily Asian accented, so I'm not sure what consonants he's saying. Or vowels either for that matter!
Any help greatly appreciated.
CT-guided needle boiopsy was positive for non-small-cell carcinoma "with favored squame."
I'm not real sure if he is saying "with" or maybe "of" or maybe not saying anything before he says the "favored squame" part. My guess is he's abbreviating squame for squamous but haven't been able to document this wording. thanks. ...
a small, raised lesion that actually appears to be a basal cell carcinoma. It is in the vermilion border. It is associated with some dimpling in the center and has the rather typical pearly appearance with two injected vessels.- does anyone have a guess as to what sounds like "two injected vessels might be.? This lesion is on her lip. ...
"A small amount of fluid is present at this site consistent with postbiopsy heam."
It is pronounced very clearly. Google seems to think it should be "haem", short for "haematoma" or "haemotology". Anyone else heard of this? ...
Once the vertical limb was completely closed, measurement is taken from the inframammary crease mark which is 1 cm below the *nader* of the incision up to the lower limbus of the nipple areolar complex. ...
hem/onc therapist doing breast exam. she describes r segmental mastectomy, then says "right (phonetic here) autella is negative. No nipple discharge. No skin changes." I would think she means areola, but I'm a guy, so what am I missing? Any ideas?