A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Proposed: National SR Celebration Day - Briana

Posted: Feb 04, 2012

It only takes Googling phrases like "celebration day", "recognition day", "remembrance day" and such to prove to yourself that we are a nation of celebrators, recognizers and rememberers.  To name but a few:

National Doctors Day - March 30

National Nurses Day - May 6

National POW Day - 3rd Friday in September

Make a Difference Day - 4th Saturday in October

Earth Day - April 22

Administrative Professionals Day - April 25

International Chocolate Day - September 13

World Alzheimer Day - September 21

...and of course we have Medical Transcriptionists Week beginning on 5/20, so we'll call that Medical Transcriptionists Day.

WHAT?!?!  No Speech Recognition Celebration Day!?!?

I'm sure you'll agree, girlfriends, that this horrendous oversight must be remedied immediately, if not sooner.  And in doing so, there are only three matters that need to be addressed.  The date, the proclamation, and the nature of the celebration itself.

1.  The date.  Now, we could tie in with one of the celebrations noted above, and I contend that you could make a good argument for any one of them.  For me it would be a tossup between National POW Day and International Chocolate Day.

But I think the celebration would be so much more, well, interesting if it were just a bit more spontaneous.   If you get my drift.

2.  The proclamation.  We must craft an appropriate document that elucidates the reasons for our joy and celebration.  You know, something with a lot of "whereases", such as:

"Whereas the technology of speech recognition has been exploited by our employers in such a manner that it has caused most of us to lose earnings..." and stuff like that there.

3.  The nature of the celebration.  Now, this is obvious.  On National Speech Recognition Celebration Day, it is ONLY appropriate that we allow speech recognition technology to show off its stuff - without the aid of any human intervention and behind-the-curtain Wizard of Oz fix-this-because-it-stinks kind of tom-foolery that makes it look better than it really is.  There should be no shenanigans of that sort on National Speech Recognition Celebration Day.

I hope you're following me like bad luck follows Kim Kardashian, my BFFs.  It's simply mystifying that we haven't risen up and raised our glasses to celebrate speech recognition in the manner that it truly deserves.

And I do mean the manner that it deserves.




wonderful, I love it, let's do it - wheres_my_job

[ In Reply To ..]
that's all I can say, haven't had my caffiene yet

I heartily agree! - NYMT

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How long have we wished that docs could be made to listen to their own dictations? Now, if SR was made to stand on its own without our propping it up, maybe that would make a difference. So much of what we do is making other people (and computer programs) look better than they really are. Where's the gratitude?

Proclamation should be a speech recognition draft. sm - VRDay

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Too funny....one suggestion though: Proclamation should be a speech recognition draft though, not a cleaned up one. LOL

I propose something classic for our proclamation - ...sm

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We need something appropriate to iluminate the usefulness of SR. A little Shakespeare, perhaps! Brutus would be proud:

"Fins, womens, contraband. I come to bury scissors, not to braise him."

I'm in! I already "celebrate" SR day to a certain - extent, especially when in a bad mood.

[ In Reply To ..]
We should pick a date and all "celebrate" SR day together!

During MT week, to publicize poor working conditions - wheres_my_job

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SR is a condition see Briana's other post.

MT Week 2012 is May 16-22 - wheres_my_job

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How about making National SR Celebration Day Monday, May 7th? This seems like a good day - anyone have an opinion? For some reason, I think of SR version:

Nation Null Is Are Celery Liberation Day

Nation Null Is Are Celery Liberation Day - wheres_my_job

[ In Reply To ..]
We could send out a press release, and maybe get on morning television. Briana, what do you think?

Bwahaha! - Briana

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...and it's not the large mistakes either.

Last night:

D: The patient has a large ulcerated hemorrhoid.

SR: The patient is a large ulcerated hemorrhoid.

Glad I caught that one! It's much more nerve-wracking doing SR editing than transcribing, I gare-on-tee!
MT Latin...like Pig Latin, only worse - wheres_my_job
[ In Reply To ..]
Someone could write a whole book in MT Latin, ie, SR...of course, the only people who want to buy the book or download the eBook, would be us MTs.

Briana, I'm seriously thinking of doing a press release for National SR Celebration Day...are you going to do anything like that? Keep me posted if you are moving forward with anything in news media.

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