A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Medical transcription lucrative? - thinking about it

Posted: Mar 03, 2011

I work in a dr's office now as an MA and am thinking about becoming a medical transcriptionist since I already have background with MA certification.  I was wondering, could anyone tell me about how much a work at home transcriptionist makes per hour.  I heard that you paid by the lines typed usually, but what is the average?  I'm wondering if it is more than I make now and if it is worth my while.  Thanks!

In a word, no. - Sorry to say

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I've been at it for nearly 4 decades, and I'm scary-fast at it, not to mention very, very good, if I do say so myself... and I barely make enough to live on.

Many entry-level production MTs are not even able to manage minimum wage.

So unless you're independently wealthy and looking for a hobby job to do in your spare time, I am sorry to say I don't recommend this.

Agree 100% - Susan

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Been at it for over 20 years - won't even bother to go into all the reasons - you might look into coding, but emphasize that it is scary out here.

Medical transcription lucrative? - thinking about it

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Eeek. Really? I can't be worse than what medical assistants make though. Thanks for the input!

In most cases, MT's now make less than - burger-flippers at Mickey-D.

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Absolutely Not True that it's necessary to work for burger-flippin' $ as an MT - Some do and some do much better
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I'm sure some do stop their career at the burger-flippin' level of MT, but many do much better than that. It's a choice each of us has to make with our career, along with the original choice of whether we have the skills, motivation, and attitude to do it in the first place.
Agree, ridiculous statement. BTW, burger flippers MUST - produce, are not allowed to wallow in delusion. NM
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Whanna bet....I made just shy of $22K this year - sm - ITNMT

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and work about 50+ hours a week and just about every weekend as well. Luckily I don't have to live on this, I could of course but it would not be pretty. I certainly hope you make more than that and I know you work 9-5 or at least set hours. I am an IC so no benefits, no vacation time, no taxes taken from checks, etc. Of course I have the advantage of not driving to work though with all the running about I do with my kids I still manage to go through 40-80 gallons of gas a month. I do plan to get out of it or at least do less IF I can ever land a job, any job that pays me more than I make now, outside the home. I will still do some MT at night but very PT and only for gas money and slush fund....but got to get that job first, will keep plugging away until that happens though.
Some still find it nicely lucrative, but the long learning - Pragmatist
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and skill-development curve means a large investment required to arrive at that point. Medical knowledge is just part of it. Since we're typically paid on production now, both keyboarding skills/speed and use of programs to substantially boost that speed are critical to making money. Also, the ability to format sentences, punctuate, and correct grammar with ease, on the fly, is a necessary talent some just don't have. Just having learned a set of rules back when isn't enough when speed is the determinant of income.

That said, the uncertainty about the future of this work the reason I couldn't recommend anyone choose it at this point. In your case, since most of the medical is in hand, if you choose to use it in this field, just do it with your eyes open. You do have a skill to fall back on, after all. If at all possible, start with an hourly pay job, then move to production pay when you're fast enough.
These days I'm thankful for skills and a job, when others are jobless and homeless - Jobless numbers out today
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There are global increases in food prices, cotton (clothes, etc.,) is way up, filling up your tank is more expensive than EVER. Even so, there are so many people without jobs and without any kind of marketable skill.

As miserable as medical jobs, medical transcription included, can be, it's work. It's better than the alternative.
Just to clarify I have 10 years experience - sm - ITKMT
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and have the same docs day in and day out. So I can work at a pretty good clip on 2 of my doctors at 2:1 (have 4 in all). I do about 20,000 lines every 2 weeks, not all is straight typing, probably about 50/50 there between straight and editing. But anyone new, forget it, if they made $12K the first year it would probably be amazing. As mentioned so many factors, easy of dictator, type of work, looking up stuff (doc names is about the only thing I look up or an obsure lab test...or when the doc blows thru a phrase/condition so fast I have to google to figure it out). I would not recommend this to anyone now. I have had one friend get into it a few years ago and I got her foot in the door where I work after she was done her MT course, otherwise I have no idea how long it woud have taken her to get a job. Glad I was able to help her though. She thinking of moving on now, but I am happy where I am though I do work way too much. I bring in what we need here so that is fine by me.
Who cares # years experience. These days that counts for - very little, except for new grad. nm
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I have to disagree with your overview of how impossible it is for new MTs to get work - Depends on the person and their skills
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But that is your own situation, which isn't the same for everyone else - but wish you the best!
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I realize that some don't do well at all, whether in medical transcription or whatever career they have chosen. It seems unfair that not everyone can do well when some do very well, but that's the way life works. Wish you the best, though! There may be another kind of work that works better for your life situation. The goal for all of us is to find that, and some never find it. Don't give up though and I'll bet you wlll.

I'm always seeing people say they are faster, smarter, and better than other MTs - if they do say so themselves LOL

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I know people personally who say that. You may very well be as good as you say you are, but I can name off 8 MTs that I know personally who make the same claims and they are so wrong. I think we've created a generation of MTs who have an inflated idea of just how good they really are, but they still can't make any money or get or keep a job, and are unsuccessful. On the other hand, I see more than a few MTs who really are doing well. They may not be so verbal about how good they are and they pretty much stick to business, don't post much on message boards, etc., but who are making money. The bottom line is, there is a payoff for those who are in the right jobs with the right skills. Those jobs still exist. The bottom line is also, medical transcription is not the right career for everyone. Think about any career you know. I personally have a "dream" career, but medical transcription was an excellent choice for me vs. my '"dream" career that I was wise enough to know would have been a failure for me. We can't all succeed at everything. In fact, I know MTs who did well for years back when employers were lucky to get a typist who knew some medical terms. Things are different now. More is required. Not every MT wants to change with the times. Some do. Some are retiring and leaving those jobs to newer MTs who are more flexible. That's the way careers work.

MT - 1mt

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I think it all depends on who you work for and from reading posts here, it seems like it's tough to land a job as a new MT. But, I've been doing this for about 10 yrs and earn on average $20-$25 an hour. You earn less per hour for those that are difficult to understand and earn more per hour for those that are easy to understand. There are times when I earn more than $25 an hour but also times when I probably earn less than $20 an hour. So how much does an MA earn per hour.

Medical transcription lucrative? - Thinking about it

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We put up with a lot and don't make much. Where I am at, in an office, we make 13$ an hour in the metropolitian area of NY. Some jobs pay is better and some worse.

I would wager than an entry-level MT - would make nowhere NEAR

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what you're currently making as an MA.

I haven't made $13 an hour as an MT since the Reagan administration. The first term. Except now; when I'm having an exceptionally bad day, I might sink down to that level.


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I am a medical transcritionist with 31 years Pathology experience and I live in the midwest and the salary is much better than what was stated for New York. We aren't allowed to state our salaries but it is definitely adequate and I work in a major medical center in St. Louis.

You need to do something else for a living if you can't do better than that at MT - MT is not for everyone

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If you've given it some time and that's the best you can do as an MT, I would think it's time to look for something else unless it meets your needs and you're happy with it, and it sounds like it doesn't and you're not. Wishing you the best!

Came back to edit this when I read another message and realized that you are the original poster replying to how much you are making as a Medical Assistant. I didn't realize that when I posted.

The $13/hr Medical Assistant job may be just fine. It's probably less stressful than an MT job. You may even have benefits that make it better than $13/hr, do you?

I agree with your message. - nm

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It's not so cut and dried - mt2

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You would need official MT education, and what you received in MA certification was NOT MT training. So that's step one.

Then you have to be so good, or have attended a school that stands behind you, that you get the attention of those hiring. MOST jobs want you to have a minimum of 2 years experience to even apply. Trying to get those 2 years is difficult.

Most jobs are paying 7-8 cpl and in the beginning, many MTs do 100-150 lines an hour. Oh and that price is for straight typing. Those jobs are becoming harder to find. Instead, you are offered 3-5 cpl to edit a speech-recognized document and in the beginning I would guess do 200 lph tops in the beginning. (I'm guessing you're doing the math here.)

So you'd have to ask what is more attractive, the devil you know or the devil you don't.

I've done this gig since the 70s. I still love it. I still make a decent paycheck. But my fingers ache, my ass is wide, and at times I'm plain ol' tired. However, as long as I'm making enough to live on, I guess I'm sticking with the devil *I* know.

I disagree, depending on where you got your MA degree - MA

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I went to the community college and have an AA degree in MA. In my college program, we were taught and able to do anything from answering phones in the office to assisting in minor surgery. I worked in my first office starting with transcription and filing, then moved up into the insurance department and was able to cover any position in the administrative office when I left there. My next several jobs were all clinical medical assisting, After I had children, by the time my youngest was 5, I started doing transcription from home and have been ever since, he is now ready to turn 18. My MA training was more than sufficient for me to be a transcriptionist or anything else that I wanted to do in the medical office. I do make more as a transcriptionist than I would as an MA, but have been lucky and work directly for an office as an independent contractor and therefore cut out the middle man and make much more. I however do not get benefits and work seven days a week, but have the independence of working when I want and am able to do doctor appts., running erands on my schedule, etc. If you are thinking of going into transcription, I would try to line up something first. When I started, I did my fulltime job as an MA during the day and transcription partime at night. I eventually moved to completely full time transcription, as the office I was working at was closing. I do love the nurse better, but the transcription pays more. I am thinking about going back to school to get my RN, which if you love working doing clinical work, you might want to look into that, as an RN trumps all the other choices. Good luck

AA v MA cert - mt

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I didn't see where she said she had an AA, just an MA cert, which does not in most instances include enough education to be an MT, IMHO.

RN is a great gig if you can get it, I suppose, but another job where the salary doesn't come near the value.
I was certified with an AA degree, being certified just means you took the test for the professional - mt
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Medical transcription lucrative? - Thinking about it?

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So, if I kept with it and perservered, I could be making significant amount more money long-term. I know there is some buzz in the office about mandatory EMR by 2015, would be out of job in the near future though?

EMR does not mean that you are out of a job, but - MA

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if the doctors fo the click and point, then they do not need transcription. EMR is just the medical record on the computer instead of a paper chart. The office I work for has an EMR but the doctors all still dictate and we just type it directly in their system through a VPN connection. I still type just as much now that I did 12 years ago, but if the doctors were to use the templates in the EMR system, then they would click and point to create their notes with a little typing on their part. It all depends on how the office you work for sets up their EMR.

Medical transcription lucrative - gsnikpoh

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There is very little actual transcription left. The industry is going to ASR (automatic speech recognition) which means you are a medical editor, basically editing rough drafts like we did in English in school. The pay for this is disgusting. The ONLY good thing about it is being able to work at home, save on gas, clothes, car maintenance, looney women and jerky bosses in offices. On the other hand, working at home is not what it is cracked up to be.
Totally disagree with you! - but respect your right to your opinion
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There is still plenty of traditional MT out there, but MT editing is great for some MTs even though some, like you, hate it. Some make very good money and some, like you, make 'disgusting' pay. Most of us think that working at home really is as good as it's cracked up to be. I do. Many of us have also worked on-site and did not consider that we worked with 'looney women and jerky bosses in offices' as you said you did. That makes me think that the problem may not all be with the career you chose or more likely ended up with, but sounds more like you would rather not have to work at all. I can relate to that too at times, but most of the time I enjoy making very good money and working with top-notch MT friends and colleagues. We're each different. You create the working world you live in. If it's a bad working world, you probably would be very wise to do something else that you can enjoy.

no - lmao opposed to laughing my way to the bank

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Yes. IF your name is Rajeeb, you live in India and 10K - is a more than adequate yearly salary. nm

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Thinking about it - Old Pro

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Don't do it! The field is dying. In the nineties I made $60 an hour (am very experienced and fast) and now I make about $30 an hour. That is a 50% pay cut and I work much harder than I did in the nineties. I will retire in exactly 197 days and can hardly wait. Every person must make his or her own decision, but I think do become an MT now makes about as much sense as buying a Betamax machine. So many more ways to make money with less grief. If I had it to do over, I would become a civil engineer. Other people will have different opinions, and that is fine, but speaking as someone with many decades in the trenches, when people ask me if they should begin an MT career right now, I say, "not only no, but h*** no." I said that to kids in my own family. So there you go.

That turns out to be appx $57,600/yr which is not shabby these days - Impressed!

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Very nice income! I think that's something to be very proud of in today's economy.

Impressed - Old Pro

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Thank you, but don't be. 50K would make it in most American cities, but in the larger cities of California (LA,SF) or in NYC or Honolulu, it would not even qualify you for any kind of a mortgage. Besides, I was making 50K in the eighties. Theoretically, I should be making MORE, not LESS. So should all of us. Offshoring has killed/is killing us all. Thankfully, I am retiring soon.
You are certainly right that it makes a difference where you live - How do people survive in California?
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I don't know how people survive in states like California where the cost of living is much higher than everywhere else. It's high enough elsewhere, but astronomical in California. No job I can think of is going to be sufficient to pay the bills there unless you have inherited wealth. LOL.
But, Old Pro, don't you think you were overpaid? - Seriously. We are not upholstering yachts. NM
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WHAT? If your DH thought he made a great wage, would - you think it too much? Advise him to give some
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of it to another worker? Bet you are one that think, as my TL did, that a high producer should step back and let another take those lines/money, to be "fair." THat is nuts!!
u r certainly... - prin09
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hey i don't have inherited wealth and im not rich and i can afford to live here
I've lost several of my own personal doctors who made less money but higher expenses - so they just quit practicing
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We live in a strange world. I keep losing doctors because they are quitting due to not being able to make enough money. They are making less than they used to, but their expenses are even greater. They have just chosen to quit. I can't keep a doctor.

I know that it's happening in other professions as well, but you would think a doctor could make enough money to stay in business.

From MA to MT - tl

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I went from being a medical assistant to medical transcriptionist years ago, thinking it would be an easy transition, but it wasn't. Transcribing is entirely different from back office assisting. I even took two years of further terminology and transcribing classes before going into transcription, but it took years to become comfortable transcribing acute care. Unfortunately, things in this field have changed drastically in recent years, and I wouldn't personally recommend switching unless being on your feet has become too difficult for you physically. If that's the case and you feel transcribing is what you want, be prepared for a lot of learning, hard work, and low pay.

No please don't go into this field... - anonymouse

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I am going back to school next fall to get out of this career because I am not making hardly anything. A lot of companies run out of work. You sit there with no work so make no money. You make 8 cpl and unless you can type a lot of lines per hour that is not much. You'd have to type 200 lines per hour, which is a pretty good amount, to make $16 an hour. I don't type that much an hour so hence I don't make good money. Starting out they will usually only pay about 7 cpl so that's even less money. My advice is to stay where your at because I am getting out of this field as soon as I can get a degree in something else.

Were you aware that typing speed was important when you started? - just wondering

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I'm always surprised to hear that people keep getting into MT, which is based on production (typing speed and accuracy), when they can't type very well. That's not an insult. Not many people do type well enough to be a medical transcriptionist, but did you consider that when you chose this career? It takes really good wpm, excellent grammar, etc., and many people fail because they don't have those things. If they don't lose their jobs completely, they just keep finding that the work gets assigned to other MTs---no work. There are some companies that run out of work even for the MTs with excellent skills, but those with poor skills are the first off the schedule. People need to know before they get into MT that it takes good skills and lots of hard work. Too many people think it's easy and something you do in your spare time for fun. It isn't. It's work.

LOL - that was my 1st thought too - anon

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We all start out slower and gain speed as we learn and grow in the job -- BUT you should know your own abilities starting out and be able to do the math and figure out how much you can realistically earn and determine whether you can "make it" in this field! It is a job paid on production, for Pete's sake -- if you know you can't produce, what do you expect?

One of my biggest pet peeves is those who think this is just a simple typing job they can do from home in their PJs while they care for their preschoolers, maintain the housework, and watch Dr. Phil. (Second pet peeve would be those who treat us like we don't have a real job - call to visit during work hours, ask us to run an errand for them during the day or watch their kids "since you're home anyway" ...)
I couldn't have said it better - nm
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How much do you make now? - nm

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Many factors you should consider - sm

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First of all - are you any good with a keyboard? Are you good with computers, technology, etc.? Do you have above average English & grammar skills?

Just a knowledge of medical terminology and anatomy is not enough to become an MT. (neither is just an ability to type ...) As others have mentioned, you need to expect a learning curve and while you are learning/gaining experience, you should not expect to make the $13/hour you are making now. IMO, you will also find it hard to get that initial job with no experience (many companies will NOT consider your MA experience -- just like your office would not hire me as an MA based on my MT experience -- they are not equal), particularly if you do not go through an MT course/schooling. If you stick with clinic work (rather than acute care), also expect to make less -- clinic work generally pays less than acute care or speciality work.

If you are truly interested in the MT field and are willing to work at it and start over at the bottom of a new career - go for it. Many of us love the work and many of us (despite what you read on these forums) do make a good living. (I average $20/hour for acute care, $30 for clinic -- straight transcribing, no voice/speech recognition.) If you are looking at MT because you heard it pays well for what sounds like "easy" work (sitting and "typing") -- you will not be successful.

Transcribing is much more involved and much more difficult than most people outside of MT realize, and too many people are fooled by the online schools, etc. who shout "work from home" and "earn 50K your first year" -- they make it sound quick and easy to get into and make it sound "easy" enough for anyone to become proficient. It is not. It took most of us who earn a decent income 10+ years to get to that point.

My suggestion to you would be, if you can, to stay with MA while you are learning MT/taking courses, etc., and then find a part-time MT job to (1) see if you truly like the work and (2) to gain experience and gauge how much you can realistically expect to earn as a newbie.

Many people switch careers midstream and are very happy and successful in their new field. Good luck to you whichever path you choose!

Good message and your income sounds fine - see message

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I think it's the community colleges that make it seem easy though. Locally they say you can learn it all in no time at all! They teach you terminology and you're good to go. You don't really get to talk to an instructor who has ever actually done it successfully, but they are teaching it all to you in 3 to 6 months. I think that goes to what you said about telling you it's easy work. That's what they seem to be promoting. Some of the online schools do the same, especially the so-called 'matchbook' schools.

You seem to be making decent money and you have a variety of work sources, which sounds smart. Thanks for posting.

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Oct 21, 2009

Anyone out there work for New England Medical Transcription?  I'm interested in them and hoping to get hired on their clinic accounts whenever they start hiring for them again... Are they good about keeping you in work during the time when you want to work? Any pros, cons, good or bad experiences will be appreciated!   Thanks! ...

What Is The Name Of The Platform That PRN Medical Transcription Uses?
Oct 26, 2009

x ...

Medical Transcription Being Obliterated?
Nov 02, 2009

I am doing online school for MT and was told last night that there won't be any need for MT's after July 2010 as all the DRs are required to go electronic and they will be just speaking into a computer and the computer will do this for them.  Is this true?  I was so hoping to make a great career out of this.  Any input appreciated. ...

Question On Medical Transcription
Nov 12, 2009

Hello i want to study for Medical transcription.. course and want to know any suggestions for  on-line school.. and is it possible to get a job after finishing the school right away... please advz thanks much ...

PRN Medical Transcription, Good/bad??
Nov 13, 2009

thanks ...

Medical Transcription Question
Feb 18, 2010

What is Winky-boc and what is the correct spelling for medical transcription? ...

Medical Transcription, How To Get Started?
Feb 22, 2010

I finally graduated from MT training and wonder if anyone is willing to give a new graduate a beginning chance. I have filled out many applications but the bottom line is that they want 3-5  years of experience. How does one get a foot in the door. Thanks celloman ...