A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

How does this site work? - Ddub

Posted: Nov 02, 2013

Can someone please help me? I am a new MT trying to learn how to use this great site. But the format is difficult for me to understand. Blue threads everywhere, it looks unlike regular forums. How do you read it? When I click on an interesting topic, it just takes me to another confusing looking page with blue topics all over.


Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks and have a great day!



How does site work-- possibly some answers - old and tired MT

[ In Reply To ..]
The topics of each "board" are listed to the left. If you see a post that interests you (blue link) either click on it or double click on it and it will then allow you to "read" what has been posted. If you wish to reply to a post, you simply click on the post a reply button and write what you wish to respond to. Once you have read what is in the "blue," and close out of that post, it will usually change to a different color (mine go to kind of a purple color). When posts are responded to, they will be indented in and if someone responds to that post they will be indented in further, kind of like a "dominoes effect." I know it sounds confusing, but hopefully this will help. Welcome to MT Stars!

Blue threads everywhere? - Suggestion

[ In Reply To ..]
I am not sure what you are seeing, but you might be on the page that lists new posts or popular posts.

It is easier if you simply go directly to the board you are interested in reading. The boards are listed on the left. Click on the one you want and the postings will appear all laid out so you can see replies.

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