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I applied for a data entry job today after being unemployed for nearly 3-1/2 months. I can't seem to find anything I think I could start out doing after being home over the years. It seems data entry would fit for me. Getting back out there is hard. Depression has taken over, but I'm trying to manage without medication. Most days, I would like to go to bed and stay, but haven't up until this point. Anyway, thanks for listening to me vent.
I pray I will at least get to interview, get my feet wet again, and finish coding school in a few weeks. I can't test for the CPC exam without money and really can't wait until June which is the nearest testing site for me. Hopefully, working outside the home will help my self-esteem and overall spirit.
Anyone else gone through this? How do you overcome fears and get back out there? What kind of jobs did you take? Are you happier? I'm pushing myself to try it anyway and hoping for good results.