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data usage - Cathy

Posted: Feb 12, 2015

Does anyone use a Verizon connection? Do you know data usage for an 8 hour day? I do not have cable where I live. I currently use a Verizon air card that the hospital I'm employed by maintains. We got out sourced and now I need to set up my own connection and pay for it. However,  no one can tell me data usage so I can tell if the new job offered is going to be worth the expense. 

checking with my husband, but - anon

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Did you see this?

I too can only get Verizon 4G where I live. - I use between 8 and 10 GB

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in one month. If you just use it for work its fine. But if you ever go on and watch videos you eat up a lot of GB. I personally hate it because I have to constantly watch what is being used and buy extra if I am getting close. It is very expensive too. I pay $95/month for 10 GB. I used to have unlimited for $49/month with my past provider but can't use them where I now live.

Clear Wireless Maybe? - nn

[ In Reply To ..]
Check to see if Clear Wireless Internet is available in your area. It is $50 a month and truly unlimited uploads and downloads. I believe it operates off the Spint network and would be much cheaper in the long run to check on something like that rather than trying to use your cell phone. I used it in the past and there were times when it was slow, but overall, not really bad as far as speed, but this was before Sprint got more involved in the process.

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nm ...