A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Bad career choice. - anon

Posted: Dec 09, 2012

If you are considering being a transcriptionist, do not waste your time, it is career suicide.  There is no money in this field of work anymore and it is all going over seas where the people are paid practically nothing.

I've thought of posting this message each day as a - good deed. NO on becoming an MT. nm

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Visiting this board is a bad career choice because everyone here - is Negative Nellie

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There ARE good MT jobs out there, there ARE good companies out there... Like any other career you have to look for them and WORK HARD to find and get those jobs. You cannot just cherry pick the 'easy' jobs like you could in the past. It is now a competitive market and so people who used to just coast by and have everything handed to them are now bitter and hateful and want to scare newbies away.

It's still a good field to be in, and you can still make an honest living doing it.

Now excuse me while I sit and wait for the inevitable flaming from the aforementioned negative nellies on the board telling me how delusional I am and how awful the field is and how the big, bad MTSOs have all done them wrong. **roll eyes**

"Visiting this board is a bad career choice " BRAVO!!! - I agree and here is what I think..

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The bitter posters here are people who are struggling and not doing well for various reasons or actually not MTs at all, but trolls.

I have read where some believe it to be impossible to accomplish 300 lines per hour editing, when I know people who can actually STRAIGHT TYPE 300 lines an hour, so why would it be impossible to edit 300??

I hear people complaining about foreign dictators with heavy accents or ESLs, as they call it - Its mind blowing to me that anyone would think they can be a transcriptionist if they are incapable of typing of typing ESL physicians.

I agree with the above poster, visiting this board is a bad career choice for people who do not know any better

I disagree with you. - RC

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I wouldn't advise anyone to come into a field where people are fighting for wages that we used to make 10 years ago.

It's still good for some, but it's certainly not the wave of the future.

If you're within a few years of retirement, it could be a good job. If you need to work for 30 years, this is not a practical field.

Here ya go, then! - roll your eyes all ya want!

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Wait until your sweet little company is swallowed up by MM or Nuance, then see how happy you are. Satisfied? That's the best I could come up with on short notice...

Im the poster who said "BRAVO" and I work for MM - and stand by my original post and

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I still agree with the poster who said visiting this board is a bad career choice and again, I work for M-Modal and Im a darn good MT and I love my job AND Im a high producer of good quality work.
I'm the OP and actually work for Nuance! I stand by my post as well. - Must just be you
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EVERY field is competitive now and wages are down. It's called a recession.

Work hard, produce high quality work, and you'll make a fair wage. Same as every other field.

AMEN!!!! LOL!! and I thought I was the only HAPPY MT. - : )
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Give in to - the corporations
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It's happening everywhere so be grateful for the pennies we make? Wake up. Your manager and corporate execs at MTSOs and everywhere are making their salaries off our backs or fingers, and it is not right. Just because that is what is happening in other fields (and it is not every field) does not make it right. This is a recipe for disaster and hopefully revolution.
I work for M-Modal and Im a darn good MT - and
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AND Im a high producer of good quality work, also. But they don't pay me squat.
They aren't the only game in town. - sm
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Nobody is going to gift wrap a high-paying job for you. The competition for them is fierce. But if you're persistent, you'll find something.

Keep at it. Good luck to you. :)
I'm not the OP and I work for Nuance AND MM and - MT
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I have food on the table, and the bills are paid BUT
I am one sick puppy!

It should not be a - guessing game

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about who the few good ones are. And I shouldn't have to work hard to find them. How anyone could mock what is happening to other MTs, and yes it is from the MTSOs, is beyond me.

In addition, if you later try to get out of MT, listing it - on your resume is also career suicide! :(

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It is okay to list it, but... - Left MT biz

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At the very top of my resume, I typed very clearly what I'm looking for. In other words, if you see a medical front office position available, at the top type "Objective: To obtain a full-time [or part time] front office [or whatever] position in a medical [or whatever] office.

This captures them first. I do list my transcription experience first after my objective (since resumes should go in date order--most recent/latest job first), then at the bottom I make another heading that says something like, "Pertinent related history: 8 years prior to MT as receptionist, with heavy emphasis on greeting clients, answering phones..."

Don't downplay your MT experience, but bring to focus your job description preference and a brief line or 2 after MT experience about past office experience.

Don't just use my words, make your own, whatever has been your objective and past experience. I'm just setting up an example.

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