A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

A friend of mine asked about MTing recently .... - MTbell

Posted: Dec 20, 2010

I told her to give it not a second thought, it was a waste of money and time for the schooling required, and, even as an IC, she'd be LUCKY to make $.09 a line and have zero benefits.  I told her she'd be MUCH better off working for McDonald's.

Who is going to enter this profession of low pay and no benefits in the future?  Who will stay when, even the transcriptionists who are fortunate enough to be doing straight transcription now, are gone after the switch to VR and huge reduction in pay?

This is a career destined for those who only need spending money or for supplementation to a significant other's salary, but definitely not a career for a breadwinner. 

I'm really sad after seeing my latest check and realizing my career has come to a very sudden and abrupt halt after switching to VR.  I'm very sad that my skills and knowledge are worth nothing - it's a real slap in the face - but definitely needed to edit the reports that need retyping anyway.  Will anyone "strive" to become a VR editor in the future?



I always say... - Daisy

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That it is a dying profession because it can now be outsourced overseas, which drives rates down.

Then I direct them to MT Stars. Seriously! You don't have to read too many posts on this site to get the general idea!

I certainly never came into this career with - the thought that I would

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be able to on my own provide for a family. I mean we type medical charts and require minimal schooling. It is not rocket science. But, for what we do, we make pretty good money. I have only been doing it for 3 years, so maybe that is why it doesn't bother me so much. I never made 50,000 to 60,000 a year, so I'm not missing it like some.

Hmm, which would I rather do, go work at McDonald's and make minimum wage or be an MT and make 9 cpl? I'm taking the 9 cpl. Even at 150 lph (I do anywhere from 200 to 350 depending on the doctor), that is 13.50. Unless Mickey Ds has really stepped it up, you make quite a bit less and are very fortunate if you get to land a full time with benefits.

On top of that, I have 3 kids, so no daycare. Even for after school care would be about 150 a week. I have an SUV, so gas about 75 a week just to travel close by. I worked at a local doctor's office clearing WAY less than I do now. Am I getting rich? No. But, I do feel that I have a decent job for the education I have. I don't think I make a lot less than some of my in-laws with Bachelor's degrees. I may tell people that I hear it can be difficult to find a job, but I certainly would never tell them to go to McDonalds.

Yes, well wait until your accounts switch to VR .... - Sick of it

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and you start making half of that $13.50 per hour. Then the benefits you get with a minimum wage job look more and more attractive.

I imagine you would understand if you WERE the breadwinner and HAD been doing this for a decade or more.

The reason this is being allowed to happen is because stay-at-home moms who have huge daycare expenses are allowing this to happen. Yes, $7.50 an hour working at home is appealing when faced with $200 a week daycare at an outside minimum wage job.

Add in the fact you clearly have a significant other who is the breadwinner and yet another reason this is being allowed to happen. You don't depend on this job, but maybe someday you will have to depend on it to support your children and you WILL understand.

Yes, you clearly missed the boat on making good money in med trans if you've only been in it for 3 years. There are many people who do this for a living - and not just for spending money.

I understand being an office manger in a - healthcare office

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and I understand why this is happening. I don't make much less than my husband. As I said I type 200 to 350 lines an hour. I obviously am making more than 13.50 an hour.

BTW, I have done VR. Didn't mind it too bad and still made more than I did at the doctors office.

There are a lot of MTs that have made a lot through the years, and I am sure that it was great, but it was definitely overpay for what was being done, hince why your pay is lower now. The hospitals/clinics start looking at their books and realize that their MTs sitting at home are making as much if not more than their RNs with a bachelors degree. They start looking at ways to cut cost. They know they can't cut anymore clinical employees, so along comes VR, lower pay.

I am fortunate to have a SO who is the main breadwinner; although, I do not make much less than him some pay periods. I do work full time hours. If I had to make it on my own, I really don't know any other careers that I could get into that I would make as much as I do now without a degree. I feel like what I make is pretty darn good money for sitting on my hiney typing charts all day. I have done much harder for much less.

Just a side note here on the daycare. I have family that have always kept my kids and still would, I just don't want to put that on them anymore as they are retired. So, no that is not why I would have came into MT and not why people's pay have went down. I just wanted to be able to be the one to take them to school and pick them up :)
You are dead wrong and that is insulting - what?
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The pay was not "overpay" for our work. MT became corporatized and outsourced. A zillion people like you came along and the pool of people that were doing it became too big. Add in India and we were doomed. I'm leaving this industry for good soon. I don't think any of us will have jobs in 5 years.
Sorry to insult, but when primary care physicians - average around 120,000
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and NPs and PAs less, I really do see the prior expected 50,000 to 60,000 as overpay. It was nice while it was happening, but it is no more. The doctor's I worked for used EMR or handwritten notes as do the physicians my family goes to. They outsourced to save money. Research up on how much medical costs have gone up versus reimbursements. I wish I could find the article the physician I use to work for showed me at how much less is being paid for some procedures now than 20 to 30 years ago. Not to mention malpractice is out the roof right now. Cuts have to be made somewhere. Outsourcing for the hospital can save them money, so they are willing to do it.
My MD cut costs by cutting his nursing staff - nm
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Most do not want to accept the evolution of MT but reality will be a must. - BackwoodsMT

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It is true that many are leaving this profession, young and old, simply because of the technology and changes evolving. Someone posted on here that we are in a weeding out phase of transcription and I believe that to be true. Many who complain about wages, VR, accounts, and income who can not improve this for themselves will be gone.

The trend is toward massive pools of dictation, in all specialties, that are or soon will be on VR (if not sent off-shore). There will still be typing that needs to be done. For instance, we have a program that calculates the system's ability to decipher dictation. Unfortunately, it is the program that decides, but if it does not calculate 80% voice recognition in a report, the report is kicked out to be transcribed manually. This is to save time and money. I personally think this is an exceptional idea and will take hold in all programs as MTs continue to leave their jobs where this is not employed. Software companies will also benefit from this feature.

I believe that in the not too distant future, all MTs will have to use VR of some type, in addition to transcribing what is kicked out by the program. Knowledge in all specialties will be required, not just 3-4. You will have to be able to switch back and forth.

This essentially will gradually eliminate MTs who are unable or unwilling to adapt to this evolution. It basically takes years and years to get the skills and knowledge to be an excellent MT. It will also take significant time to become accustomed to the voice programs. Being proficient in both will allow for the attractive incomes, but I do not believe we will continue to see the $50,000 and up that we have been accustomed to in the past. Besides, you will not find that in the outside world either if you possess only the knowledge and skills of a good MT. Education elsewhere, maybe so. Just because YOU choose not to evolve and adapt does not mean others will not. Many will be happy to stay at home and be able to earn $25,000 to $35,000 a year, as it will be possible.

I consider myself an excellent MT. Yes, I am making $50,000 right now. When my account goes on VR I know this is going to reduce my income until I become familiar with the program on a full time basis (I do 80/20 at the moment). Considering my age and education, I will remain here and try to evolve with the changes, including a somewhat lower income as I still feel it will be better than what I can find elsewhere at my age.

This is only my opinion but I do believe this is what is in store for MTs in the future. You need to stop avoiding companies that use VR, and become accustomed to it as much as you can if you want to stay in this business. If not, eventually you will be gone. Your only major beef with a company should be those that over-hire. They employ you and then have no work. This is the area where I think MTs should make a massive stand.

Ship is not sinking but some are jumping overboard because they do not like where it is going. - No Message

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I totally agree with you - sm

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I have done VR and really didn't mind it. The platform I worked on for VR was great, and I absolutely understand why it is being used. We know at the company I work at that we will eventually do VR, just as most companies eventually will.

McD v McDoc - LMJ

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I'm one who espouses we are going through separating the "men from the boys" as it were. I, too, am an MT who can do any specialty, any work type thrown at me. Some may take me a tad longer because I'm not used to them, but after a couple, I'm back on track.

I've been learning and practicing VR for over 5 years now. I avail myself of the communities where the people who really KNOW how to make the products work teach and give advice.

Right now I'm working 100% straight type and making over $50k, working about 6 hours a day. When I've done VR I'm still doing 400+ lph so I stay around $20/hr. Mickey D's ain't getting close to that. Not to mention Mickey D's wants you to dress, be there, deal with idiots in person, encounter all sorts of public germs, etc. Nah, not a trade-off I would make.

The above poster is right, we'll see what shakes out and those MTs who are convinced they are "worth more than doing that" may find themselves looking for new careers.

Embrace the change. It's what this profession has ALWAYS been about. Inviting new people to join the profession and possibly taking them under your wing is a GOOD idea. Otherwise, if there ends up really not being enough truly and honestly QUALIFIED MTs, then yeah, healthcare facilities will have to find another way.
People considering McD's, pharm tech, etc., always - strike me as future dropouts.
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MT/MEs doing well and making good money just shake their heads in bemusement and wonder how anyone supposedly doing the same work can be making so little and have such low expectations. There is definitely a shake-out occurring, and it's a good thing for everyone involved.

Agree with a lot, but not that many will be happy - with $25-35K. Simply not workable. SM

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As you say, it takes a great deal to become proficient in this very narrow field and, given the costs of living, most capable of this work simply would not work for (or be able to afford the luxury of working at home for) a sub-middle class income, which that range very much is.

Think about it. We'll need to be highly literate, unlike fully 50% of the US populace who cannot read well, much less very well, and we will need to read exceptionally fast.
We will need to have exceptional grammar and punc skills, way above average.
We will need to understand medical language and be familiar with clinical practices, both of which take a very long time to learn.
We will need to not just type, but keyboard using expanders and scripts/macros to boost our production far beyond the normal range.
As the primary emphasis shifts from the mechanical labor of just getting the words on paper to quality control, we will need to be able to work to a high standard without supervision.

I'm not describing your average trade school grad here. People with the capability of doing this job (the ones left after the weeding out) could learn to make much more elsewhere if necessary and most would.
You left out one: And we have jobs, which many people in our country no longer have - Thankful
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Many people in our country would be very thankful and happy to have our jobs. No job is perfect, but it is honorable, respectable work. It isn't easy, but it is respectable, and it is work. Work of any kind is not easy to come by these days. Medical transcription is definitely not something everyone can or would want to do. For those who want to do it and have prepared by having the right skills, education, and motivation, it can work very well. For those who don't have the right skllls, education, and motivation, it doesn't work. They used to hire anyone who was willing to do it and said they could do it, whether they could or not. Now that isn't the case.
Umhm. Notably also, the move from hourly pay - has badly hurt
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some people who apparently are just too slow for production work, no matter how good they were otherwise. Of course, that was back in the bad old days when practitioners just had to accept their charts disappearing into the transcription hole and resurfacing...eventually.

I did everything you mentioned in your post. - sm

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For years I was one of the MTs that fought VR and said I would never work for a company that offered VR. But then I realized that sooner or later VR would be everywhere and if I didn't train myself on VR, I would be out of a job. So that's what I did. I told myself that I could be just as proficient in VR editing as transcribing. I also told myself that it would take time and not to get frustrated if it didn't happen overnight. After all, I didn't acquire years of transcribing skills overnight. So, I did it. I became quite proficient at VR editing and have accepted it.

However, I find another dilemma creeping up in this profession. It seems that MTSOs no longer compete with each other based on line rates and VR alone. Now the larger MTSOs get clients by offering low rates AND extremely short TAT (and buying up a lot of smaller companies). This means that a lot of accounts that we have are overhiring. In the last 5 years, I have been with 3 different companies and held on as long as I could. I was with MDI before they sold to Transcend and LOVED my job. For months before the sale, I waited for the jobs to come in thinking it was just a slow period. After the sale, I did the same thing. I couldn't afford to do it anymore. I was going broke waiting for work. So I went to another company and it was the same thing. I had FOUR accounts with no work for months on end.

I just recently switched to another company this past September, and here I sit again...waiting for work with 3 different accounts.

I'm so willing to work that I'm working predawn hours, late evening hours, all kinds of hours trying to get work. I'm willing to work on accounts that no one else wants just to get work. Where is it?? Yet, we continually get emails stating that stats are to be done in a 1-hour time period. It's so obvious that they've overhired just to be able to meet their TAT. What scares me is if this is becoming the new trend. I wondered if it was just the last few companies I worked for, but I see an awful lot of posts similar to mine.

I agree with this issue - mt2
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I've come to the realization that I need to have 2 services going at any given time to make the money I want. Thankfully I still only have to work 6-8 hours a day but it creates a panic when they are both overflowing and that's the day the job-hogs decide to be off.

I suspect you might be one of those weeded out soon - sm

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If you truly believe this is a 'no brainer' type job requiring little skill or knowledge, then let's take a look at the elephant in the room, you ain't doing something right. While it does not require a high degree of formal education, especially with VR, this job requires somebody a little more on the ball than the average minimum wage earner, and it's says more about your skill level than the industry that you think you're well paid for what you do; you must do, or know, as much as some of your colleagues.

That is seriously funny. I am assuming you have not - done a whole lot in the

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besides MT. While I have only been an MT for 3 years, I first was a clinical employee and then an office manager. You can add up my lph and cpl and tell I'm not making that bad of money. Remember, I am not the one griping about my job. To me, those are the expendables, and according to my account manager, she is quite happy with me too:)

I have worked hands on with physician's in offices, CCU, and believe me, you have to know your stuff. Actual patient care and even some decision making. No looking up on Google like we get to do.

A lot expect to make 50,000 a year, and that is about the salary of a nurse. I absolutely do not think we are in anyway as educated as a nurse, nor should we be paid as much as one. Go shadow a nurse in the CCU where I worked for a day, and you will really realize how very little you know.

While I understand that this job maybe education wise requires more than McDonald's, it is not something that can't be learned. I'm assuming the people the OP was telling not to go into MT were considering schooling, and yes, there are some that prepare you.

Obviously, though, my knowledge is nothing in the comparison to the knowledge you bring forth.

So, tell me, how much should I get paid to sit on my rear for 8 hours a day typing? Even if I only manage 250 lph, that puts me at 180 dollars a day and 22.5 an hour. How much should I be making?
You really do talk about both sides of your mouth. - sm
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In your first post you note that this job requires no skills and really the only thing that sets you apart from a McD's worker is you get to do it at home. Now you've decided that you're the mad genius with the brains to deserve big bucks.

Which is it? A no-brainer job suitable for anyone with an IQ over 80 or a job that requires intelligence and education?

And, for the record, I will go to toe-to-toe with any nurse with 10 years and under experience as far as the understanding of disease process, anatomy, and pharmacology, and I think most MTs that have been at this a while can pull the information out of their heads quicker than your average RN.

But, like I say, if you want to equate yourself to a McDonald worker without the really cool uniform, you go right ahead. The industry will not miss you at all when you can't hack it.
sm - I am not the OP but exactly what is that you have a problem with? - sm too
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You have a problem with someone saying that this is not rocket science? It really is not. It takes some longer to learn it than others. It seems easy to some where it does not to others.

I currently make 24/25 an hour, when I would actually do it for 15. No those are not McDonald's wages but considering my age and education where am I going to make that kind of money so easy? It really is ridiculous to think that my "knowledge or skills" are worth $50,000 or $60,000, with no formal training really. I sit at home and type, googling when necessary. Heck, my daughter has a master's degree and has been in administration for years and does not make as much as I do.

No, I do not think your average McDonald's employee can do our job and I do not think that is what the OP meant. I think she meant that some people actually should be satisfied with the "more than average" wage they make, and be willing to learn VR even though it has an impact on your income, because many of use are not going to make more elsewhere.
I think 22.50 an hour is excellent. Here are the skill and knowledge necessary. - No brainer
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You need a BOS, client specs, google, and accurate typing skills. Simple as that. Then it is just a matter of time before you do not have to use references and your income increases. As most of us know, the only things that really change are the medications. Of course with the VR, there are also written instructions for that learning process as well. How difficult can it be? Maybe somewhat difficult for your average McD worker, but still not rocket science.

Those of us who have been around for more than 3 years do not need certification, training, or classes. New accounts slow you down but you do not have to go back completely to square one.
I think you left out a few things. It really isn't quite as simple as you describe it - In my opinion
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Just start with the skills to know what you don't know. Add in some common sense. I could go on and on. It isn't just fast typing, Google, and a BOS.
I never said I was an idiot. I just said it wasn't - rocket science
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Sorry if not rocket science means to you that I was packing a low IQ. I have some college but not a degree. I only make what I make because of how much I am wiling to type. I never, ever said I was worth the big bucks. I make decent money.

The original post says they tell people to not to go into MT that they would be better off at McDonald's. I disagreed with that assuming they would be going through a MT program. The OP was talking about making 9 cpl like that was crap which is what I make, and I make way more than McDonalds. That was my point.

There are a whole slew of MTs out there who think they are a whole lot smarter than what they are. They think they know all there is to know about the medical field. Just because maybe you can pull information out of your head before the RN doesn't mean that you could perform any of the tasks of their daily job, nor that a MT should make comparable to them. Understanding disease process and knowing meds is just a portion of their jobs.

I do not feel I am above anyone or any job (even McDonalds), nor do I think that the MT career is a horrible field that everyone should stay away from. It is a job that can be learned with very little education, and I am sure when you started out you did not possess the vast knowledge of medicine that you do now, and you seem to have made it quite well just as I am doing.
Okay, gotcha. I make 9 cpl and at the moment... - sm too
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I turn that 9 cpl into 48,000 - 50,000 a year quite easy. It will not last long though. I figure with VR (as I have done some) I will go to 35,000 for a while, and hope to make it to 40,000. Still, quite an easy income to sit at home and do this.

If you are complaining about doing straight typing for 9 cpl, which is almost unheard of these days, you really should further your education and seek employment elsewhere because you are certainly not going to be happy in the not-too-distant future. I would love to be able to hold onto that.
WOW does anyone READ - following this thread
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The MT stating it's not rocket science is not the OP nor was she complaining. Rather saying, it's not a bad gig and it's NOT rocket science (and she's right, it is not). Stop kicking her 'round the curb for having an opinion that if you're reasonably intelligent with good keyboarding skills and a solid language background you do MT and do it well. Geesh!!!!!!!!
Wait a minute! Nobody said that a nurse can do MT or an MT can do nursing - Two different jobs with different skills
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It isn't a contest. Many nurses have trained to be medical transcriptionists when for some reason they wanted to get out of nursing. I'm sure that there are MTs who got out of MT and became nurses as well. These are two different jobs requiring different skills and often even personalities or physical abilities. I'm always running into RNs who tell me they would like to become MTs and I'm sure the reverse is also true. It isn't a contest.
Nurse v MT - LMJ
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You shared: "A lot expect to make 50,000 a year, and that is about the salary of a nurse. I absolutely do not think we are in anyway as educated as a nurse, nor should we be paid as much as one. Go shadow a nurse in the CCU where I worked for a day, and you will really realize how very little you know."

I'll take that bet :) I'm master's educated in another field but through my 35 years doing MT, I've met some "stupid" nurses. Remember not everyone gets an "A" going through nursing school. Even those who barely pass are allowed to be called nurse. If you were in CCU, you were seeing the cream of the crop RNs. Spend some time with the ones who barely know their perineal from a peroneal. In fact, I've hired nurses back in the day who went running because their grasp of A&P was so poor.

A really talented MT can match wits with the average nurse on any given day :)

This has really nothing to do with this conversation overall, just don't want the statement made that MTs and nurses aren't comparable to go unchallenged.
I have definitely met some that are much smarter - than others, and that goes
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for every field. I will agree that a MT can talk with a nurse and be able to keep up and know their meds, but I have also worked hand in hand with them and realize there is so much more to the job than that. A lot could talk all day long about a heart murmur but sure couldn't listen to a patient to pick up that they had one or what grade it may be, or they may could talk about afib but might have a little trouble detecting it on the rhythm strip. We can type a procedure note, but put one of us in as First Assistant, and there might be a few problems.

To me that is where the difference comes in, they should know most of what we know as far as book wise(depending on specialities for both careers), but it goes so much deeper than that. That is why I think there is no comparison when it comes to pay.
I fully agree we should not be paid comparable to - clinical RNs. However,
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A couple of years ago I tried to help someone who'd managed a 15-employee department in a health insurance company and had once gone to nursing school though never worked as a nurse. Due to outside responsibilities, she'd transitioned to home MT and was very surprised to find herself doing poorly and threatened with being fired for poor quality.

Although I explained what was behind every complaint flagged--almost all relating to her lack of understanding of the subtleties and not-so subtleties of written English use--she didn't seem to get many and those she did she'd end up forgetting.

I don't remember most of the good stuff. But something as simple as WHY we include the word "includes" dictated before a list of medications had to be explained to her--that "includes" suggests it may not be a complete list so must be kept even if she did think the whole thing was dumb. Addressing that and some other similar errors she was in trouble for, she needed explained that anything potentially adding information is not redundant and must be kept. She couldn't figure that out for herself? Dozens of this sort of thing just went over her head, although she was a very smart, capable person at other work, such as juggling numbers and people. I don't think she ever did get the difference between "into" and "in to" (I know, but an end-stage exasperated QA did flag that along with genuinely serious errors).

Punctuation errors turned out to be a touchy issue, although she tried to be nice with me, confining her comments to the QA person's "hangups." She just didn't believe she was as inadequate as she was there. She'd memorized her elementary school's one standard set of rigid rules 3 decades before, gone through college without problems, and written thousands of business letters and memos as a very well paid professional, so that was that. It took a while to get her to agree that a comma placement could cause a critical error, but not that it HAD caused one.

In any case, she's like a whole lot of smart people who can't just take a terminology class and step into this work.

I was going to say - use to make money

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I make half of what I did 10 years ago. HALF! I was one of those $60K per year people. Now, its always between 30-35K. In my area, that is't a living wage.

I could see that in some areas. Where I live, - 30-35 a year for a woman

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is a great salary. If you land anything over 10 an hour, you are doing good.
When I moved to the South from LA, - I thought my money would go a lot
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farther than before. Not so. Food is as expensive and more so in some cases. I like to garden, and plants are much more expensive. Medical care is as expensive. Distance travel is more expensive. Gasoline almost as, and I have to drive farther to reach a tiny fraction of possible destinations. The only thing cheaper is real estate, and that advantage has been greatly pared down.

30K is considered decent money for a woman in this semi-rural area, too, but that's because they've always been relatively poor here compared to where I came from and are used to it. It's not comparable to urban incomes by any means.
Where do you live? And I'm not being snarky ... - Amy
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I'm curious because my husband will be retiring soon, and we're looking for inexpensive areas to move to.
In the South - sm
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TN. I live in a relatively small community, and it is more expensive closer to the larger cities. I think it is still probably less expensive than a lot of states. No state income tax, and I think we have relatively low taxes in general depending on county and city.

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My friend has worked at a local hospital for the past 6 years and within the last year they have gone to voice recognition. Now because of this they are running out of work on a daily basis and she has to use her vacation time when this happens (she takes at least 3 days of vacation per week). She is starting to run low on vacation time and then has to take it without pay. Did I read on here that she can apply for unemployment because of lack of work? I went to her house last night and helped h ...

Opinion Please: Friend Changing From Inhouse To MQ
Jan 08, 2012

Ok, I have a friend who has worked inhouse for a few years for a large hospital.  She makes $14 an hour with shift differential.  They have pretty much cut the incentive pay out.  She really doesn't get that I don't think anymore.  She is fustrated with her boss and is considering going to Medquist radiology transcription.  Another friend who works on the radiology side of MQ said she has not ran of work before and has 5 accounts to work on, etc.  She says ...

Friend Wants To Quit Inhouse Job To Work MedQuist
Jan 08, 2012

Someone who works at Medquist on the radiology side said that radiology isn't as bad as the acute care side.  She said she has not ran out of work yet, and she has been there several months.  I know what I see on these boards about the acute care side.  Does this pertain to the radiology side too or is it different?  ...

Nov 21, 2009

I have been transcribing for 20 years, but most of it was Radiology and Pathology for hospitals. They were pretty laxed with errors. Now I am in the big leagues and I am getting QAed to death! But I am learning a lot. I also have ESLs to deal with now so it is taking time to build up my speed. I just started here 2 months ago. I am fast, but I need to learn also. It is challenging. I got spoiled doing specialties. ...

Need To Get Out Of MTing. What Do You Think...
Mar 13, 2011

is the best 2-year and 4-year degree to go after these days?  I can no longer support myself and my daughter on my wage as an MT.  Lost my house to foreclosure which was a huge wakeup call.  Decided to go back to school but don't want to waste my time on a dead-end career.  ...

Just My Take On What MTing Has Become
Jan 21, 2012

I used to make $50,000 a year also.  Then it went down into the 40s.  Now, I think it may be something like $35,000 to $38,000, depending on different factors.  I have given this much serious thought because I am in my 50s and would like to hold out for another few years and not have to start a new career this late in life. I think between the "AAMT" and the offshoring, this profession has been brought to its knees.  The offshoring has not worked out too well for many compan ...

How Much $ Would It Take For You To Leave MTing?
Oct 12, 2010

I love my job, I do well at it.  I am $45,000 give or take a couple thousand every year.  I am losing my account to VR, and I will have to switch accounts.  I will not be able to make as much on the new accounts, probably a 25% pay cut.  I have a job interview this afternoon for a job in a doctor's office doing routine front desk duties.  I don't know how much it pays.  What if they ask me how much I am looking for?  I don't know what to say.&nb ...

MTing In An RV On The Road
Mar 18, 2011

I'm interested in chatting with anyone who might be doing MT work on the road in an RV or motorhome.  This might be in my future soon and I am curious about the logistics of this.  I've been working at home for 19 years so would love to keep this great job while seeing some sights in the USA and still working. Please get in touch if you have any information! Thanks   ...

Nov 22, 2011

MT'ers transcription may not be dead after all.  I had an interview with a local hospital that has many clinics and outside services.  They have had all of their transcription outsourced aside from various departments in the actual hospital.  However, they have discovered a better quality of work if they keep their work onsite.  They are pulling ALL of their services back to using on-site transcriptionists.  Some at home work after training, but there will be no MTS ...

I Want Out Of MTing, Question Though
Jun 04, 2013

I want to work in health care IT, but I'm not exactly sure which degree to go for.  I keep seeing health care informatics and I see programs for them, but it seems to me that these are degrees that prepare you to become a RHIA.  I already have an AA degree and have my RHIT certification, but I want to work more in technology, specifically health care technology.  Maybe a computer science degree or ......?? ...

Steno Machine And MTing
Oct 16, 2009

I have been using a steno machine to do this job since the year 2000.  I would have a difficult time returning to typing on a QWERTY board for MT'ing...way too slow and painful on the hands, etc.  On a good day on a familiar account, I can produce 250 lines an hour, no sweat.  I was trained in school to reach 225 words per minute, which I did back in 1992, to qualify to take the California state board exam.  I would encourage anyone to take the time and effort to learn s ...

What Happened To The Days When MTing Was An
Nov 16, 2010

enjoyable job instead of just a day-in-day-out headache listening to idiots blabber on? ...

Getting Out Of MTing, Looking Into Health Informatics
Aug 24, 2011

I am getting out of MT and looking into the Health Informatics program.  I have a 2 year degree in HIT, but my problem is I don't know where to look for a bachelor's degree in Healthcare Informatics.  When I research online I find only master's degrees in informatics or other universities require you to have an RN degree or IT degree.  I saw someone post here that they were getting their bachelor's degree in Informatics but cannot find that post.  Anyone k ...

Getting Out Of MTing And Going Back To College
Oct 13, 2011

Mting is no longer for me.  I'm 34, single mom, need a better career.  I can't seem to decide on which career path to take.  I want to get my bachelor's degree because it will make me feel like I have accomplished something, and I would like to have a degree and possibly get my master's someday.  I can't decide between healthcare information management and getting my RHIA, or something totally different and getting a BS in business-human resources man ...

The Saddest Part Of MTing
Oct 27, 2012

The saddest part of being an MT is that most of us have to maintain 2 or jobs at the same time, no just to make ends meet, but because of the fact that we don't know when they will be ready to fire us because we missed a comma or did not meet their high, ignorant, unreal expectations. How many of you have to work more than one MTSO, not only to make ends meet but because there is no work or because you fear being let go without notice or explanation?   ...

Since When Did MTing Become VOLUNTEER Work???
Nov 02, 2012

This field is PATHETIC. I once worked for TTD and every single payday, my check was either short or I did not receive it at all. When I questioned the owner about my pay, I was let go...simply asking for the money I made...A--- fired me. Come to find out a short time later that she had ditched every worker in the company...either shorting their pay or not paying them at all and above all, she even owed money to workers in INDIA as well. I thought this was just because TTD was sick company whose ...

Interested In MTing But No Experience And No Time Or $$ To Get Any!!!!! HELP!
Jan 21, 2012

I am disabled and on social security disability living with my mother and husband in my mother's house. My husband and I have been here for about 4 years, and it's about time to go. My mother is pressuring us to get out knowing that we can't afford to do so.She's become hateful and aggressive, causing unnecessary stress for not only me but my husband which can potentially effect his work performance. For a few years now I have had the illusion of thinking that most, if not a ...

Home Depot, My Ticket Out Of MTing
Apr 21, 2012

Anyone wishing to start a new career, right now may be a good time to apply at Home Depot. They are hiring seasonal cashiers and I applied and I am on my way to being hired after a drug test next week. It's for 120 days with possible permanent employee. I will learn some customer service and cashiering which I feel is valuable since I have never done it with 30 years of being an MT. Hopefully, it will work into something else. It has been tough to find another job but this could just b ...

Which Verbatim Is It? Your's, Mine Or Their's?
Oct 30, 2010

Just worked on an ESL report (with unfortunately for me very, very, very little English).  This is a VERBATIM account.  Sent it to QA and it was "transformed" into English with little regard for that pesky word VERBATIM.  Does verbatim mean different things to different people? ...

W-2 - Got Mine In The Mail
Jan 22, 2013

Just got mine in the mail. ...

Anybody Else's TW Timesheet Look Like Mine?
Jan 29, 2013

It's longer than the constitution for Pete's sake! I end up with so many entries because I get a job, one that usually takes 2 minutes to type, send it off, then NJA, wait a minute, here comes another job, type it, takes 2 minutes, and on and on.  Craziness! ...

I Do Everyone Else's Records And Mine, Too
Feb 26, 2014

Just got a call from my dr's medical records wanting to know the name of the dr she wants my records sent to (she and I looked it up on the computer during my visit and I saw her write the dr's name down) and my dr's address, which I'm sure was on her request, her name and address.  One of the last times I saw her, they put someone else's vital signs on my records (height, weight, BP and BMI).  Sheesh. ...

Canaries In The Mine
Nov 07, 2014

This discussion actually began on October 3, 2014. To search for it, use the little blue search function and type in You missed something and the date 2014-10-04. I think it bears repeating again for all who might insist that people griping" here about Nuance are just conspiracy theorists. I prefer to think of them as canaries in the mine, warning folks away from Nuance. It is NOT just Nuance, as someone pointed out, but they are the most insidious it seems, about monitoring this board and disco ...