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What's the line quota per pay period at Landmark? - nm

Posted: Feb 22, 2013


Line quota - candybar

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They tell you during the interview that you're expected to do 12,500 per pay period for full time, but a lot of the time they run out of work, so it's impossible to meet. I've been working there for years and I just make my own quota. I have a part-time account on the side that I work on to take up the slack.

Seriously? Dislike police in town - candybar

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There is no reason why my initial response should be "disliked."

Don't worry about a quota, because you are not likely to make it. - They ALWAYS run out of work, I have been there fou

[ In Reply To ..]
They don't complain if I take off and I don't complain when I have zero work. Can't make a living there, but part-time is okay sometimes.

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x ...

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