A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

What's happening with Imedx - anon

Posted: Mar 01, 2015

If there's one thing I've learned in my 61 years (that's the body; the brain operates at the teenage level), is not to guess at the reason for things. I've followed the comments here about Imedx, some of which made me go "hmmm" and others had me rolling my eyes. 

You can guess the Imedx situation to death, but there's only one way to separate the "I THINK what's going on is ..." and "I KNOW what's going on." It's called ... pick up the phone and flat out ask. I did and I had a very pleasant conversation with a US-based individual.  The contents of the conversation are between me and the person I spoke with, which is a mutual agreement between us, and when I make a promise to maintain a confidence, I honor that promise. So, folks, I'm not gonna reveal the contents of our conversation. 

That said ... stop second guessing the situation.  Either pick up the phone, call someone, and just ask ... or continue to live in fear and drive yourself crazy. 

Personally, I'm not worried either way. If I get pink slipped, I've got a strong enough resume and enough years of experience to secure another position. Can anyone else say the same? 

Now chill ... geez, we have more important things in life to argue over. Like, is the dress white and gold or black and blue.  :}

Yeah, the writing on the wall is pretty obvious - but IMEDX should not

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be waiting for each individual to call and ask what is going on. As an employer they have an obligation to employ, fully, and as hired each and every transcriptionist or in a timely fashion handle the terms of that employment. Their vague, haphazard information and no information at all has been reprehensible...so, at that point your advice is to move on (or call first and either accept what you are told or scrutinize it).

I've seen it play out in other industries where the workers show up and the factory doors are locked. This usually makes the news and people talk about suing people and such and they look for the person who ran off with the money. I don't think we have that type of recourse here, but it is the same feeling, and many just cannot believe this is what this profession has come to.

P.S. IMEDX is not exactly known for free communication. My bet is that you got extremely lucky in finding someone who seemed to freely communicate with you.

Information - MT10

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I agree. The decent thing to do is to tell EVERYONE that some accounts are going to be lost and therefore some layoffs will be forthcoming. It's as simple as that. That gives everyone a chance to get together a backup plan and make the necessary moves, especially for those whose MT job provides their sole income. Why should anyone have call to find out what's going on? THEY employ us. THEY know what's going on behind the scenes. I frankly don't see the point of the OP coming on to tell us that she found out what's going on only to tell us that she's not sharing the information. The reason people are asking in the first place is because Imedx isn't sharing information. Do you really think if everyone starts calling they're still going to be forthcoming, or are they going to start shutting down the ranks? Otherwise, why not let the managers tell us what's going on like they've been told to do with everything else? If you (OP) say yes to them being more forthcoming, then I would ask you why are you sworn to secrecy then?

There are other MTSO's who are far worse - see msg

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There is one that advertises on here all of the time. No information is given, just one day you are unable to log onto account. No e-mails, no explanation, no work. They do not furnish additional accounts, you are just left in limbo. MT's are a dime a dozen, their thinking is if we don't like it, we can always leave.
Other MTSOs - MT10
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I believe it. We're disposable to them now. I remember when I first became an MT. I enjoyed it so much that I envisioned myself retiring from this field. I'm at the point that even if they became better (not likely), I wouldn't come crawling back. It's not until they've driven all of us away and find out that they can't rely on those systems without an MTs input that they will learn the error of their ways, or maybe they won't, but karma is something else, and it's going to come back on them in one way or another!

Pure conjecture - anon

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To state that THEY know what's going on behind the scenes, that is ... unless somebody told you FACT that they do. Until then, it's pure conjecture on your part, and on the part of everyone else.

The account that I work on ... I noticed that the work had pretty much dried up in the middle of the night. There's a 10-hour time difference from here and India. Maybe it's because that is when the India MTs are working, so it would make perfect sense that the work would be disappearing. Can I prove it, no. Just my instincts are pretty good.

You can all kvetch about the situation from now until the 12th of never, but it's not going to change anything.

Like the girl scout motto ... be prepared.
Just because the work disappeared for YOU - MT10
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doesn't mean that THEY didn't know that the work wouldn't be coming through, and who said anything about India? If it were about India, then when they were sleep, my "conjecture" would be that when they're sleeping then we would be getting work. We BARELY HAVE ANY, and in some cases the work has dried up. It doesn't take a detective to find out what's going on. Just as you made an assumption with the info you have or don't have, others have made the same deductions! If I run a company, you can bet your bottom dollar that if I DON'T know what's going on, I would find out before a whole month has passed. Do you really think they lost out on money and didn't find out why it disappeared, or didn't know that the accounts were going to be disappearing. Unless you're conjecture is that like they do with us MTs they said oh well, more accounts will come in? Unlike some people I don't have tunnel vision, I use common sense based on what I have seen and experienced because this isn't my first rodeo with Imedx.
Either way, update your resume nm - anon
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You don't have to worry about me... - MT10
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I have everything in place for whatever happens. I never let things just fall to chance. That still doesn't negate my feelings about what is going on... Like I said, this isn't the first time I had dealings with Imedx.

Get your plan together now. Two years ago I knew - me

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that MT was going down the tubes. I did have some degree of denial and hoped I could get 2 more years out of it. I have many job skills but no degree. My reviews have always been above average and I have excellent references. That didn't seem to matter. I applied to several ads without even being called for an interview, despite working with a professional resume writer. I took a quickie course to get a low paying job and am now back in school to get a degree. Had I been proactive I would be completing my degree this May and be in a position to once again earn a decent salary. Don't wait. Get your ducks in a row now.

Yeah, our bad... - guess every one of us

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was supposed to call corporate, hope to get someone who knew what was going on, willing to share that information (with or without being sworn to secrecy) and hope for the best. What a foolish notion that a fairly large corporation would contact at-risk employees via email and give them a heads up and options even a week before their paychecks stopped coming.

Even more disgraceful are the TT managers who everyone seemed to adore and trust (I was only briefly with TT, so did not have a long-term relationship with them) would not take time to personally warn anyone of the impending disaster. I had a short convo several weeks ago with DC who assured me the storm would pass and work would pick up shortly about 3 weeks ago and that was it. I hope they are reading all the turmoil and misery that has been expressed on this board lately and are truly ashamed of themselves, but somehow I doubt it.

I think the TT managers are between a rock and a hard place (sm) - Friend of a TT mgr

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They probably would like to keep their jobs as long as we do, and if they have been told to keep their mouths shut, then I guess that's what they would do if they were smart. I haven't been told a thing and wouldn't ask her.

TT managers don't know any more than the MTs, remember, they got - thrown under the bus with the rest of us

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At best they may get a bit of information a day before it hits and then we see it here too. If they WERE in the know I don't know if they would be willing/able to share, but I'm pretty sure they are just as clueless as we are, sadly. I was warned to run from day one from a friend who worked at another company that was bought by this one, so honestly I am a bit surprised any of us are still employed.

What's happening - Turth or Spin?

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Having gone through a similar situation like this and yes I did call and got some spin version of their side of the truth, eventually I was left hung out to dry, with no notice! You have a strong resume'? I suggest you start using it and see what's out there, cuz is ain't pretty by any means. Oh I am sure you can secure a job and if it is MT, it will be some MTSO who treats you like dirt and takes your money away, i.e., M*Modal and Nuance. If you can look outside of MT that's great, but have fun applying when you are a senior; been there, done that too.

So I guess it is up to corporate to do the right thing, but they won't, so we need to start fending for ourselves; every MT for themselves and let this company rot! Good luck everyone!

Love your post!! - The speculation is getting

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to be too much. I agree with you call and ask questions. This Imedx hype is getting old. I too work for Imedx (TT) and all I can say is if you are so unhappy and so afraid, quit and let the rest of us have your work.

if we had work we wouldn't be complaining about not having work - imedxMT

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Brilliant answer! - No one is forcing you to stay.

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You're very right, and you never heard me say that I - imedxMT
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was staying other than my own free will. Whether I stay or not, I still expect certain disclosures from my employer. The point is that my leaving won't get YOU any more work than you're getting now!
you said it right here - anon
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"I still EXPECT certain disclosures from my employer."

I don't know labor laws, but I don't believe a company has a legal obligation employees of this nature. IOW, in corporate America, your manager can just walk up to you one day, tell you to follow them down to Human Resources, and you're out the door. No prior warning.

Right now, while you've got lulls in your work, fill in the time. Clean house. Update your resume. Run errands. Update your resume. Call a friend for moral support. And did I say ... update your resume.

I am at as much risk for losing my position has anyone else who works for the company. I'm just not going to let it eat away at me.
i see you're connecting dots that have no linear connection... - MT10
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First of all, I keep my resume updated, so thank you for your concern for me getting work... Secondly, I expect certain disclosures for wherever I work. If a manager asks me to escort them to HR, then that's a form of disclosure. I don't expect them to let me sit there and allow me to expect work, however, if there is none forthcoming. It's not about what's legal, it's about doing right by your employees and having INTEGRITY! You sound like you're upset because I said that I'm not leaving yet. Just because I complain, doesn't mean that I don't have all my ducks lined in a row. I have this and am prepared for the next level, but I'm glad you have my best interest at heart. I appreciate it... My concern is for the people that don't have the choices that I do, so I'm sorry if you're tired (?) of me complaining, but if I feel like complaining that's what I'm going to do. You don't have to read or respond, remember?
What about the integrity of some of the MT's - see msg
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who give us a bad name? They are too lazy to look anything up, don't stay within turn around time and make the good MT's, the ones that want to do their job look bad and go down with the ones that don't? Too bad we can't weed them out and keep the good ones, the ones that need their jobs, the ones that care about their work, the ones that cared about keeping accounts. What about the MTSO's who are just sick and tired of all the ____ the MT's dish out? I am an MT, I worked hard, worked insane hours, cared about losing accounts and yes I have been taken advantage of, but honestly, if I were an MTSO and a lot of money was offered to me for my company in this dying profession, I would take it too and not look back. Come on people let's be honest that is what is happening. The rule of thumb is you look out for yourself because no one else will.
That's the case in any profession... - MT10
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and that's the purpose of hiring people who are qualified for the job, and if they're not they should be terminated. I have ALWAYS gone above and beyond, even though I'm not being compensated for what I'm worth, but what someone else does or doesn't do is not a reflection on me, and it's on the company to take care of the slackers. Again, I'm not following your train of thought, but I'm guessing you have your own frustrations that you want to vent about, just as WE ALL HAVE BEEN DOING, so I don't understand why I shouldn't be frustrated as you obviously are. If I follow your train of thought, I should be asking why are YOU in this line of work since the "bad" MTs are a reflection on you!
Capitalize much? - Get over yourself.
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That is right. They can terminate at will - without an explanation needed.
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They no longer need an excuse to let someone go. Rather than whine about it, do something about it. If you no longer require someone's services, do you let them go with an explanation, ie., don't like the hairdresser, find someone else, don't like the grocery store, go someplace else, don't like the gas station, go elsewhere, don't like the cable company, drop them without an explanation. We are not the only ones in that position, it is happening everywhere. WE do it everyday.
Everything you said is true, EXCEPT... - MT10
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the contractual relationship!
Contracts are out the window once the company - was sold.
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LMAO at your cable company comment - As IF most of us have an alternative
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lol... most cities have a single cable company available to choose from. Talk about your monopolies!! Anyway, your comment gave me a much-needed chuckle for the day ;)

Then go find work elsewhere. - nm

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Nice.... - Like rats

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on a sinking ship now telling the other rats to hurry up and die so they can have whatever little bit of rancid cheese is left. Pathetic.

Your analogy is close - anon

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But think of the Titanic. --- There are not enough lifeboats for all the passengers on board.

You see the iceberg ... Right now, what are you going to do?
lol at both of you... - great analogies!
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very clever :)

You might be surprised... - Hope you are right

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I hope you can trust that conversation. I too asked questions, begged for other accounts, and was told that things will get better and you know what?? Since the company was going in a different direction, I was no longer needed, so was laid off. I guess I wasn't included on that train that was going in that direction they were going. Not many jobs out there for MTs, and the job market is really tough if MT-ing is all you know. Good luck to all who are left, I hope things do work our for you, I really do, but do pack a parachute, you might be next as things seem to change pretty quick and some speak with fork tongue.

I do not fret about it. I have talked to my - sm - Anon123

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supervisors, they have been expecting to be fired for months, they are still here. I am an IC so not as under so much pressure I guess, figure I will get canned eventually, which will spur me onto better things for sure. They will flat out lie to you though in the group emails, as they are just repeating what they were told to say, they do not know what is happening for sure either, just the honchos in India I suspect know what is their agenda. I believe the ultimate agenda is to have all the accounts done in India, with the few US MTs holding out doing any needed QA. I do know some accounts refuse to go to India so those will need US MTs, but I fear they are in the minority. Most hospital systems are looking for ways to cut costs and this is an obvious way to achieve that goal. I am trying to go FT at my other IC job but waiting for new accounts at present, until that happens I will do what little work I do have which is a pitiful amount, lucky if I hit 4000 lines a pay period anymore. In the meantime I will start applying to local jobs and see if I can manage to get into a medical records department at one of the hospitals near me (7 in the area), if I can find one job that pays me enough I will quit the other two PT jobs I have and most likely be a much happier person. This is what we all need to do!

Need for US MTs - ha! - Dandelion553

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I, too, was told that some hospitals insist on having US MTs, however I bet it wouldn't take too much prodding by Imedx and others about how the hospital's MT bill would be so much lower if they would allow use of foreign MTs for all of us to be unemployed.

Hey, thanks for the load of nothing. - no message

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Wow. - Gotcha

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Don't work for the company, so can't speak to the situation. And I do agree that speculation doesn't lead to much good but, wow, there's a fine line between self-confidence and arrogance... Has it occurred to you that you'll be competing for a new position again other MTs with equally strong resumes and years of experience? Hope karma doesn't bite you in the butt for all your brave talk!

you are right - JJ

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My first reaction when I started seeing things on this board and when some changes were made was to ask my supervisor. I, too, had a nice conversation. I love my job and personally, it is getting nothing but better. I am thankful for the work I get and the job I have. EVERY contract they have with clients, is different. Just because, unfortunately, some have had a bad experience doesn't mean it is going to happen for all...

Good luck to you, but remember Where There - is Smoke There is Fire

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