A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Webmedx - Do not start nagging about quality - not in the mood for it

Posted: Sep 10, 2010

First they post their thing on the community page, and tell us it doesn't matter how high our quality is, its our perceived quality by the clients that matters.  Why do they differ so greatly?  Is it because they have promised the clients the sun, moon and stars and told them we will catch EVERY error they make on their end?

Whatever.  I took the time to read it.  Then I start getting nagging emails from my STM that I need to read it and how important quality is and blah blah blah.  You know what?  I KNOW I do quality reports.  I catch things for the client all the time.  Now they are revising a bunch of my account specs that I need to catch even more for the client.  And who, exactly, will this beneift as I continue to watch my pay drop?  Not ME, that's for dang sure.  And I know it doesn't matter HOW high the quality is, once they sell the docs on editing their own reports, there will no longer be any work on that account for me; and I'll get laid off.

I am disgruntled enough, so don't start nagging me about promises you made the client.  I know you do not have my best interests at heart and are working hard to prove to the client they don't need MTs at all.  So don't expect your nagging to result in me busting butt to do a bunch of extra work and drive my line count down.  You've penalized me enough for my "excellence" and profit plenty from it already.

Edited to add - Guess what I'm going to do next time I feel like expending a bunch of extra effort for free?  I'll spend it on myself - looking for another job.

I don't work for Webmedx, but I agree with everything that you said . - nm

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I disagree with everything said. - Another WMXer

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Not in the MOOD to improve quality? Or even discuss the possibility? Resent the subject even being raised?

First off, I want to be part of a quality team I can be proud of. Just making money isn't enough.

Second, there IS currently too much sloppiness in many of the reports I see, all done by remote MTs like myself whose names I see day after day. I'm very glad renewed focus is being placed on raising standards back where they should be.

Regarding perceived errors, obviously the people who have to get reports out of the wrong files, redo billing, etc., perceive our little "oversights" somewhat differently than we do, and no doubt have a few choice things to say about us in the process. No doubt authors of these reports perceive errors we insert more seriously than the 1 point a technical scoring system might mark off. My own reports in another field went to a typing pool, and what I got back often made me wish I had time to type my own. Report "owners" are often unreasonable that way.

Third, I found this report, promising to do that, interesting, informative, AND welcome because I believe increasing quality will increase my own job security. The low-quality market belongs to the low-price/low-pay outfits.

What StillMtin has to say about THAT is definitely worth repeating, so I will:
"Quality is going to be a HUGE player in our field in the upcoming years. Thinking it's bothersome or optional might not be the best mindset, IMO." I do totally agree with THAT.

Quality will never beat price. Look at the scores on sm - hoo boy

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that notice - do you see any below 98%? No. And we promise 98%, don't we?

Frankly, they're not paying us enough to do what we're already doing.

You really think increasing quality increases job security? - not in the mood

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Ask those laid off what their QA scores were. Some were the best of the best. All "increasing quality" does is help Webmedx theoretically hold on to the client long enough to sell them their front-end editing software - then kiss your job goodbye! You are pretty naieve if you think anyone's job is safe at Webmedx. Your quality is good for YOU because you take it with you when they kick you to the curb.

As to what I'm "not in the mood" for - I'll make that clearer -

I am not in the mood to be treated like a naughty child when I know my quality is about as good as it gets.

I am not in the mood to listen to a bunch of group lectures on my quality for that reason. I'd rather be working than waste my time being hassled for no good reason because they can.

I am not in the mood to be told I'm not doing enough while they cut my wages and make me sit around half the time with NSA.

I am not in the mood to deal with absolute garbage from the client because the client was told that Webmedx MTs were willing to work for free to fix what their hourly employees got paid to do initially, but couldn't be bothered.

I'm not in the mood to be nagged alternately about verbatim vs fixing their mistakes so they'll have "quality". They can't have it both ways.

I am not in the mood to be fed a load of hogwash that if I kiss fanny and work really hard, my job is secure. I already kiss all the fanny I'm going to kiss. If that isn't good enough, I'll find an employer who gives me more than empty praise and veiled threats.
Well Said! - Empty Praise and Veiled threats indeed!
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This company DISGUSTS me now!

Webmedx - First let me say......... - annon

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I am not trying to point fingers and find fault with MT's. AND I am not a suit, but I worked with them closely for several months. I was working at a Hospital that went to VR in the Rad. dept. The town had no transcriptionists so advertising for one went on for months and months with no applicants. Thus the switch to VR. Well the doc's hated it. I was hired to edit the VR reports because the doc's wouldn't/couldn't/didn't have time. One day they just went nuts, threw up their hands and said go get the old cassette machines out of storage we will not use this system anymore. That was fine but they had no one that could transcribe the volume of work they had. After a couple of days of screaming and yelling and meetings with the head of the hospital, etc. they decided to get an MTSO to do their transcription. I am talking english speaking, no ESL, good dictators with none of the bad habits we as MT's hate. They went with Webmedex and my job was to do QA on reports that came back to us. OMG, I wore out the fax machine and the phone lines to the "heads" at WM with all the errors in the reports coming back. I am talking stupid stuff you would not expect to see out of a normal secretary let alone an MT. So they put the account on 100% QA, it was just as bad, then they put their "best" people on it, it was just as bad. I would spend my entire day logged onto the WM system editing the reports that had gone through QA and been sent to "us" the client. They were so bad that the hospital was threatening to dump WM because what they were giving them was garbage. Where it was coming from I have no idea, don't know if they were shipping it offshore or what; but for going through 100% QA it should have been 100% except for any blanks QA could not figure out. It was bad. When I left they had hired a transcriptionist that had retired to come back on a PT basis and edit the reports. I have no idea how it turned out....all I know is that as an MT I was appalled at the quality of work that was coming back to that hospital. I am not talking formatting stuff I am talking medical terms and reports that medically made no sense. JMHO as a MT and as an editor on the client end of the chain. I am not perfect and I have made some real goofs in my time and had to ask myself where was my head when I transcribed this, but this stuff was on a consistent daily basis. Like I said, I am not pointing fingers and this has been a couple of years ago so those MT's might no even be working at WM anymore. This is just my observation from being on the client's end of it.

Well, I do know Webmedx subcontracts work - not in the mood for it

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They subcontract to ICs AND they subcontract to other MTSOs. So it is possible the quality issues are not even a problem of their actual employees (the ones getting the nagging emails). We also suspect they give work to students at their school to train on for free. That could be another source of quality issues - its very suspicious the way huge blocks of work suddenly disappear into the ether. Since most of our accounts are overflow anyway, that brings more issues into play if someone is lazy on the clients end and sending us all the crap that wants a lot of tweaking. Since Webmedx doesn't rely totally on their "official" employees for ALL their reports, I really don't feel like hearing it. I can only be responsible for my OWN quality - not every Tom, Dick and Harry they give work to!

If the clients are so worried about quality, they might considering bringing people back inhouse for HOURLY wages to deal with it and churn out perfection. Or offer jobs to remote ICs and pay them hourly. MTSOs are not the ONLY answer to getting 'er done.

Perhaps the hospitals will learn to do a little research - IAMT

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and check on the company they choose to transcribe/edit their reports and certainly should have checked into whether they offshore. I don't work for WMX, never have. Lesson they may all have to learn is to do some checking before they just take bids and decide on an MTSO based on a low bid and not check references from other clients or the offshore issue for gosh sakes. Ya get what ya pay for usually. Course as MTs we don't get what we are worth, regardless of our quality or years of experience. 4CPL/8CPL whether you graduated yesterday or have been in the industry 20 years. So the MTSO then gets what they pay for (though most of us experienced MTs are forced to work for this ridiculous CPL, we have such a professional work ethic and pride in our work, we still keep paying attention to detail, know our stuff and can turn in more accurate reports, of course, than a new grad, but if the MTSO's don't care to reward quality in our pay, most of us will and are leaving this profession before we will turn in poor quality work. Sure disheartening what is happening to our profession.
Just for the record. Webmedx DOES NOT offshore. - nm
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But do their subcontractors offshore? - not in the mood
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Yeah, they don't personally offshore. Just like when you hire a hit man, you're innocent because you didn't personally pull the trigger. We've had this same argument before. "Prove their subcontractors offshore" - "prove they don't." Webmedx public relations is vastly different than their actual practices.

That work you are complaining about was 100% U.S. sm - hoo boy

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typed. There is NO offshoring, there are NO students getting work.

There are ICs, but they are within the U.S. and are experienced.

The only reason you see the errors you do is because we are cut to the bone for pay and have to type double what we used to so we can make the same pay. Have the client address that. What do you want us to do? Client wants cheap transcription, we need to make money, something has to suffer.

Bottom line-you cannot have cheap and GOOD transcription. Pick one. nm - hoo boy

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True, but you can have clients who will pay for good quality. - Another WMXer
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That's what positioning your company in the market is about. Some decide to service the bottom with low prices and the cheapest labor they can find. A large number position themselves in the middle to attract the many facilities who are trying to balance quality and cost. Some position themselves for the top tier, marketing to facilities who insist on solid consistent quality and will pay more for it. And everywhere in betwen.

These 3 groups for the most part, though, are not trying to attract the same customers, any more, say, than McDonalds would expect to pull in P.F. Chang's customers by offering free soda pop.
According to the trend in our pay and the many sm - hoo boy
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communications from mgmt, none of the clients we have now WILL pay, that's the point. Just last week were we not told that clients are willingly going offshore to get the work done because of price and the "global" competitors are a real threat to the companies that don't offshore?

The interesting thing there is client may not know - not in the mood

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One of the interesting points in their quality lecture was that the client should NOT be able to tell whether a report was typed or done ISR. Could it be because the client is paying for straight transcription and Webmedx is letting them think that is what they get, and pocketing the difference without telling them their account is ISR on OUR end? You betcha!
"Pocketing the difference"? That is laughable - notherMT
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Do you think ISR processing is free? It is very expensive. Most companies pay per report for the speech rec processing.

What ISR does is it improves TAT for the clients.

And yes, the clients should not be able to tell whether a report was edited from ISR or straight transcribed. For Webmedx or any company.

If it so expensive why do they use it then? - not in the mood
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Please explain to me why the MTSO industry is selling a "very expensive" product that produces shoddy work and cuts MT pay in half. If not for profit, then WHY? It doesn't improve TAT when we spend twice the time fixing the ISR mess than we would have spent straight typing it. And please explain to me if the product is superior to straight typing why they would NOT want to see the difference.

Your whole argument is propaganda and laughable to every MT who edits.
I guess they have no answer, not in the mood. - Predictable
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amen sister, agree wholeheartedly - webmedxmt

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I read the entire statement as well. First posted were our excellent scores across the board. Then, exactly as you said, their complaints about the number of tickets they get. I have some accounts you have to jump through hoops for. Some of the account specs are ridiculous, long and involved for us, with no reimbursement for our time. And, the pay is the same as when I started 20 years ago! I have 2 jobs lined up already, one part time in hospital job with benefits at only 25 hours/week, then some side accounts with someone local who is excellent. I am also going to start taking some classes to exit this profession while I am doing this. And...what about the company update that was supposed to be coming "later this week" I haven't seen anything?

When did quality become an option? - stillMTin

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Your post has me confused. Is quality an option? If you're getting feedback perhaps the reports aren't as perfect as YOU perceive them to be.

I'm thinking now might be the time you want to give WMX what it wants rather than decide you don't feel like being nagged.

Quality is going to be a HUGE player in our field in the upcoming years. Thinking it's bothersome or optional might not be the best mindset IMO.

Our quality is great! But they nag us anyway - not in the mood for it

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I've been giving them what they want the whole time I've worked there! I have integrity, whether my employer does or not! My quality score personally is 99.99. They told us that our quality scores are not the issue, and are immaterial compared to the client's PERCEPTION of our quality. WHATEVER!!! We do an excellent job despite all our pressures and I won't be nagged to do a better one without some financial renumeration that reflects I'm worth it!!!

Personally I think they tried to scare the poo out of us with these layoffs so we'd meekly knuckle under to their new "quality" campaign. Our quality is GOOD and YOU KNOW IT. If you are subcontracting to other MTSOs who send the work to India - NAG THEM. But get off my back!

BTW - my PAYCHECK is not optional either! Too bad Webmedx thinks so. Once they sell their self-editing software to the docs and eliminate my job - where the heck will their QUALITY come from then - thin air?

Quality - Done

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Not in the mood has nailed it 100%. Now THAT is quality! In the same boat as you, but been looking to get out before the mass exodus. Let them keep cheerleading - they can ride the boat down the falls......

You do realize that they are not talking to you alone. sm - anotherWMXMT

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There are hundreds of other MTs at the company. Your quality may be 99.99, but others on your account(s) may not have the same stellar score as you.

I am proud to be part of a company that prides itself on high standards.
Then they need to address it individually as needed - not in the mood
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I'm the kid who got all my homework and chores done. I don't need or appreciate "Mom" nagging the whole house that "we" need to get on the ball. "Mom" can take Junior aside and lecture him on his slacking all she wants - but stop hassling the overachievers and nagging the entire group as if we all are doing identical work. I'm sorry, but "the group" doesn't fail to work their whole shift/do sloppy work/forget that Dr. Smith wants you to give him special treatment/whatever the nag du jour is - they know darn well who the problem kids are and they need to speak directly to them. Stop preaching to the choir.

quality is an issue, you misunderstood - webmedxmt

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I am an RN as well, and I can tell you that I correct or send flags for the physicians constantly who dictate contradictory information. The problems are not all on our end. If I am unsure, I do research to try to ensure that I enter correct information. If I cannot verify then I will leave a blank. When I go back to recheck my blanks, I find our QA team to be remarkable, and they can often figure out what the physician was saying, and I do regularly look and learn from them or learn a new equipment term, etc. from these reviews.

We were referring to an e-mail which said that our random spot reviews, done both in house and by the clients, were consistently 98.5% and higher. Then they turned around and said that there are PERCEIVED problems despite this, and we all need to do more. That is what we were complaining about. I think we all agree that quality is definitely an issue, and I do try my best.

I have worked at Webmedx 3 years, so I have no idea why there was such bad quality on your account, I have only worked on hospital accounts, not radiology, so I can just speak to my experience.

Ahhh, sorry, misunderstood! - stillMTin

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They are enacting the mind-reader clause!!

Sometimes perfect isn't enough for them, I guess!!

It's laughable that they are trying to correct a PERCEPTION sm - hoo boy

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when the FACTS state otherwise. If the clients are so upset, why don't they do a review of a sample of work? My guess is they will come out 98% or above.

How do you fight a "perception"??? With fact. We have the facts, yet are still being hounded to do more.
Well, how did the clients get that perception? - not in the mood
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I assume they promised the clients much more than they told us - something crazy like 100% error free. Why else would the clients be ranting about stuff that came to us wrong from their end? Duh, YOU dictated it badly, the account is verbatim, I TYPED WHAT YOU SAID because I AM NOT ALLOWED TO EDIT VERBATIM ACCOUNTS. Somehow, the clients now think they are entitled to "more" and I think we can guess who made them think it! And now its coming back to bite them for keeping the MTs in the dark, so now they're blaming US for not fixing the mess. Today we get dinged for not having it verbatim, tomorrow we get dinged for not filling in a bunch of stuff the scatterbrained client left out. So they're scrambling to change all the account specifics to say verbatim EXCEPT when the client screws up in a one of these dozens of ways, then you must jump through these dozen hoops.

No matter what, its our fault, because we can't read the client's mind or Webmedx management mind and they have to blame somebody instead of admit the truth - GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT. We can tweak some of it, but we cannot and will not tweak EVERYTHING on EVERY report FOR FREE!

My burning question is - once they sell the client on doing their own editing WHO THE HECK DO THEY THINK WILL PROVIDE THE QUALITY THEN? WHO WILL CLEAN UP THE GARBAGE WHEN NOBODY SEES IT BUT THE CLIENT? Are they all that greedy and stupid they can't figure out that if they keep the pennies they paid us, NOBODY will be doing the damage control once we are gone?
I agree. How about all the wrong demographics that come sm - hoo boy
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across FROM THE CLIENT? I am supposed to search for a patient whose name I can barely understand, no spelling, no birth date, no admission date dictated. When it's wrong I'm getting an email. Client responsibility has gone out the window because WMX is telling them if they give us erroneous information, we will see to it that it is corrected. FORGET IT.
Demos are what I usually get dinged for, and I also think - client should take resp as well.
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I'm sick and tired of transcribing and editing reports with virtually no error, and I get these spanking E-mails for not choosing the correct date when the dingdong should have dictated it in the first place. Why do I have to figure out the correct date. Also, when they choose the incorrect work type, I get the blame. They should know what the heck kind of work type they want. When I left the Q, I thought I had finally found the right place to work, but now, I wonder why does all the bad luck always follow me.
demos - magsnfla
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I worked at both MQ and Webmedx in the past. The problem is that the people in management are all brainwashed by AHDI about what MTs' responsibilities are. That ding-dong label, "Medical language specialist," is downright laughable. The idiot doctors can't punch in 9 numbers or so for the pt's account - that's their responsibility, not ours. They get paid megabucks for what they do. It's not too much to ask them to put in a few numbers. AAMT ruined this job - it used to be great and we actually got respect from the doctors - now about 25 years or so of AAMT and AHDI, this job is in the toilet and AHDI is giving CMT cert. to Indians and other foreigners.
WX probably still subcontracts work - As in the past
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Have done it for years and could explain the "perception"

They insist on verbatim and then blame us when there - are complaints. Enough already. nm

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If they want quality, they should start by not laying off QA...sm - WebQA

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That may help a little. Just sayin'. Heh.

QA Webmedx - curious

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Did they lay a lot of QA off? I honestly have to say I have not got one QA reply for days, since the layoff, maybe even before, and have wondered what's going on. It's not like I am not leaving blanks anymore, so what's happening with that?

QA positions terminated? - webmedxmt

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I read one post where a QA had been terminated, have no idea if there were more. If several large accounts were lost, then to be fair I guess some QA positions would not be needed either. I am getting fed up and frustrated, but I have to say this...every QA person I have dealt with in the past 3 years has been excellent, no complaints here. I haven't sent any questions so I don't know about not receiving responses.
Agree with webmedxmt. The QA here is excellent - Another WMXer
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and the QAers genuine pros and a pleasure to work with, not that I've talked with any for a long while, but that's a big part of why I appreciate them so much. :) No silly private agendas or undiagnosed personality disorders playing out at this company.

I like StillMTin's point about good MTs being their own QA and, in fact, try to be that as much as possible. It may be that a company the size of Webmedx can only work somewhat in that direction, though, and I do appreciate that another set of skilled ears is always available.
Wow, a good level-headed post all around. Thanks Another WMXer - nm
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There were 4 QA terminated that I know of - anonymous
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Well maybe not - stillMTin

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Back in the day we didn't have QA. We were expected to produce quality reports all by ourselves. And for a lot of us, we did.

Cutting out QA should be a given if you are cutting out MTs who fall into the "needs the most QA" category.

Hate to see anyone losing their job, but paying someone to fix what a good MT should already be able to produce is not a good expenditure of funds.

MTs will be expected to produce quality w/o having to rely on someone else to complete their report.

There will be need for SOME QA but I think the onus should be on the MTs and think this is what we're going to be hearing more and more.

they are already looking at percent you send to QA - webmedxmt

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Remember the recent e-mails within the last 4 months or so...the aim was for no more than 2% or your reports to IQA I believe. My problem is, many of my accounts REQUIRE IQA for audio issues, addena, etc. which I have NO control over. I send no more than 1 to 2 reports per week for blanks on average out of 40 hours of work, and those are often some really tough ESL dictators or audio issues/static. I got in trouble in 1 case for NOT submitting an audio ticket, but just sending in the blanks.

However, I think that if you could rule out the other reasons people send to IQA that are required, that is a reasonable request to aim for 2%, and I think most of us do this.
Yeah, no doubt! I can prove why on all QA. - not in the mood
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I've been manually keeping track of my QA utilization for over a year after I got accused of "overutilizing QA". Guess what? Most everything I sent to QA was mandated in the client account specifics to be sent to QA! Is it my fault I get garbage from the client? Heck no! And I can PROVE EVERY SINGLE THING I SENT TO QA was necessary and not laziness/stupidity on my part. I'm not playing that game and my supervisor knows I will NOT put up with stupid accusations in that respect.
QA percent...I agree - webmedxmt
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That is my fear as well, and you have just proven it! It is difficult to look at the REASON that a report is sent to QA, and some account specs have a LOT of reports sent to IQA for issues we have NO control over, so if we DO follow the account specs, we could get in trouble for too high a percent IQA, and if we do NOT follow specs, we are fried as well! I think it is valid for them to try to have us aim to reduce the amount sent to QA for BLANKS, but to take a percent of ALL IQA when many of those are beyond our control could cause real problems!
My advice - document from now on - not in the mood
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I made a little chart in notepad, listing all my accounts and all their usual QA requirements (doctor left off the date, etc.). Every time I send ANYTHING to QA, I toggle over and type a number in the right spot. Each week I start a new one. It only takes a second, and it covers your fanny quite nicely when the nitpickers come around to hassle you about your QA utilization. I absolutely will not be hassled any further about doing what they TOLD me to do!
great suggestion thanks! - webmedxmt
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I already use note pad to keep job log, will just keep track of that at same time!
The audio was horrendous! sm - WebQA
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The audio on 98% of the reports I saw in QA was crap. It's no wonder so much was coming to QA. You should have seen what we sent to EQA for audio! I have no idea how you MTs got most of the audio on some of those reports because I as a QA could hardly get any of it. Pats on the back to ya. No matter how many audio tickets we submitted, no improvements were EVER made in any of the dictator's habits or the dictation equipment. So how can they bark about quality when they do nothing to help it either? Not to mention the shoddy equipment we were all expected to work with, computers that are light years behind and Enterprise freezing up every five seconds.
Yes, and the more they tweak it worse it gets! - not in the mood
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I wondered why a few months ago my STM suggested we get a gadget called "boostaroo" that was supposed to help with bad audio. Of course we had to get it out of our own pocket, if we wanted it, but I did, because I was curious if it would actually help. Well, yes it does, at least when job volume is so low you have your speaker to the max and still can't hear! And guess what, I'm having to use it more and more as the audio on accounts that used to be just fine is now becoming horrible. Why is Enterprise getting worse instead of better? Because shoving ISR in place on all accounts matters more to them than accurate reports - and they are willing to sacrifice our ability to HEAR OUR CLIENTS to keep from paying us. Its absolutely disgusting!
boostaroo! I got one too - webmedxmt
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Think we have the same STM! Got the same e-mail a few months back, went out to Radio Shack and got this. It does work great for the record...but it came out of our pocket and is only necessary because some physicians dictate in a tunnel or hold the phone too far away or whisper! Geeshh!
Got mine used and cheap on ebay, but not a cure all - not in the mood
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It helps in some cases with whisperers, but lately some audio is so distorted it only makes it worse - the dictators are sounding like the teacher on Charlie Brown, and there's no cure for that. No matter, I keep track of all the bad audio I send to QA - and like someone said, half the time they can't understand it either if we can't.
Boostaroo: I cannot plug my earphones into - my speakers, have s/m
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to use jack in computer. Audio on my computer is jacked up as far as it will go. Would Boostaroo help with this situation? I was thinking of getting a headset with a volume control included. TIA
boostaroo - webmedxmt
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Yes, boostaroo should help this. I did not use speakers at all, felt they made the audio worse. In my case, I plugged my headset directly into computer and had the computer volume turned all the way up. The boostaroo helped, can alsmost get double the volume. Just remember to turn it back down when you get a normal report...LOL...almost blew out my ear drums :)

You're right. Back in the day, we did not - have QA, but S/M

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we also were paid appropriately for our skills and experience. Back in the day, I had TIME to spend 15 minutes researching, even looking at charts when I worked inhouse. Back in the day, I concentrated on the transcription, not on the account specifics and the dictator specifics. I did what I was hired to do, quality transcription. Back in the day, I could support myself and my child on my salary. I feel like some of you responding to this thread are not thinking clearly. I think "not in the mood" is correct in her observations. It is just impossible to expect 99 or 100 percent quality but pay so low that quantity becomes foremost in your mind. I have been transcribing for over 30 years, and it saddens me that I have to work so fast that quality inevitably suffers.

They think they have everyone job scared now so sm - hoo boy

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we're supposed to grovel and kowtow as the lay-offs loom over our heads.

Exactly - ninny

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They keep taking away from us, cutting pay, raising insurance, cutting pay again, worse insurance, BUT they want more and more from us. If you want perfection and remarkability, sorry gotta pay for it.

I don't work for WMX, but I agree with you completely - sm

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I work for 2 companies part time, and one company promised a client 100% accuracy, no exceptions. I do good work, spend a lot of time proofreading (for 6 cents a line, meaning I make NOTHING at this job) and even before I proofread I am at about 99.2% accuracy. However, this doctor is very scatterbrained and confused, uses the wrong words, dates, amounts, etc. I type verbatim, maybe correct some verb tenses, but I flag or leave blank when he goes completely off the rails.

Last month the client had a huge fit and I learned that they think typing verbatim is "a lot of mistakes." The MTSO agrees! They think I'm supposed to pretty up those reports to make them sound nice, changing words at whim. They have no concept of typing verbatim and they promised this poor doctor something no MT will be able to provide.

So I sympathize with you COMPLETELY. You can't starve because you double your time spent on a report by proofreading what is already 99% accurate. We can't go typing whatever sounds pretty just to "clean up" what a doctor says.

Do not start nagging... - JKay

[ In Reply To ..]
Well, I'm right there with ya!! I'm a WMX MT and the thing I'm most disgusted with at the moment is how we were all told how WONDERFUL Mmodal and ISR was going to be. Well, I guess it's wonderful if you consider a 35% pay cut good. They simply dumped it on us and voila -- we're all wondering how we're gonna pay our bills! They're a cold corporate machine and they don't give a diddly-damn about their "hirelings".

mmodal and isr - frustrated

[ In Reply To ..]
My biggest problem is that my computer freezes with Mmodal when it loads a big (long) file and then my cursor lags and freezes, and my foot pedal goes crazy and becomes unresponsive sometimes. Solution Center says this is due to how much memory the program uses...duh...so no fix for me. How can I make money with constant rebooting and freezing issues with the pay cut to be able to work on this "wonderful great Mmodal that will be SO easy you will make more money to more than compensate you for your lower pay per line." I reboot my computer and reset my router at least several times a day in an effort to make everything a bit more stable. I am so frustrated I could spit! My computer is 3-1/2 years old, and I did get the RAM upgrade, but that is not helping!

another thing - frustrated

[ In Reply To ..]
I forgot to mention in the above post, I actually DO like the Mmodal for straight typing, I like the new features. The problems I have all arise when dealing with ISR, I guess there is more memory required and with the multiple freezing issues, runaway foot controls, and lagging, I make far less than straight typing, and am lucky to make minimum wage...this for 20+ years experience! I made far more lph with the native ISR, almost double. Now, I get a pay cut and make half. Go figure.
another thing - JKay
[ In Reply To ..]
Ask for another one, it sounds like you're limping along with a bad computer! Actually, I do like the new platform and should be making at least what I was before because it's easier to navigate, but the ISR is a killer. It's a disgrace!! If they saw us as anything other than animated fingers on a keyboard, they'd adjust our pay upwards!!

mmodal and isr - JKay

[ In Reply To ..]
I've been there 6 years and for the first 4-1/2 my computer was so slow. I changed ISPs (which needed changing anyway!), but the Solution Center always said it was the ISP, nothing to do with Webmedx. It got so bad that they finally said "we're going to send you a new computer, all upgraded". Guess what -- that was the problem. I don't know what's different about that particular computer, but I do know it's FAST! It does have 4X the RAM the other one had, maybe that's why??? Good luck with yours...
thanks jkay - frustrated
[ In Reply To ..]
Maybe I need to complain more. I tend to just work hard and keep on trying. I have defragged my computer, and only AT&T is available where I live, and I have their fastest "pro service." Yes, I have heard it is my ISP as well. I have the best I can get. I can still limp along but I will try calling in again on my day off when I have time! I tend to think also it is the computer/system since I did fine before Mmodal, with its increased memory needs.
They always pass the buck, especially to ISP - not in the mood
[ In Reply To ..]
Our IT desk wants to be paid to do absolutely nothing. They will say ANYTHING not to accept blame and responsibility for Enterprise issues. Its very obvious when Enterprise is the only program acting like this on my THREE different computers that Enterprise is the problem, not my internet provider.

I used to be a bit of a tech in my past life, and on occasion I have cracked through their indifferent crust, and gotten a few of them to admit that our computers are woefully slow because Webmedx can't stand to spend another couple bucks giving us the proper equipment. Even the "upgraded" ones have the bare minimum needed to do the job.

I'm really sick of rebooting my modem several times a day as well. Its a bandaid for a problem that will admittedly continue to be ignored.

M-modal and ISR - anon

[ In Reply To ..]
I agree with frustraed. Can't tell you how many times a day I have to "reboot" because computer freezes. My husband even put in more memory in "their" computer, didn't help at all. Extra memory comes out when I'm gone in a few weeks. Yippee!!!! Used to love WMX, now it stinks!!!!
M-modal and ISR - anon
[ In Reply To ..]
Sorry, forgot the t in frustrated.

We were lied to, simple as that. All those promises of sm - hoo boy

[ In Reply To ..]
how we could double our production and that was a lie. They are claiming it's the client's preference that the work go through ISR and that is a lie.

The only sad truth in all this is we are working for less and they continue to ask for more. They don't value quality at all. If they did, they'd offer a quality incentive or bonus. What they DO reward is high line count.

Absolutely agree. Webmedx sucks - WTF!

[ In Reply To ..]
What the hell did they expect when they implemented M-Modal and cut pay. Quality will suffer when you cut pay and the most experienced people. Even Lynn Kosegi, who works for M-Modal, advised these companies that if they set an arbitrary rate based on an average expected increase in productivity for all editors that will have the impact of penalizing the highest producers. Google alert: Speech Recognition Editing Compensation: One Size Does NOT Fit All. Greedy executives did not listen to her and decided to cut the line rates anyway and let the highest producers leave to be replaced by lower producing MTs who would work for less money. You get what you deserve. There should be a federal regulation that these companies cannot implement speech recognition and cut the compensation of the professionals who edit it--in fact, the compensation should be doubled so that we are fairly compensated and have the time to thoroughly review each chart and edit the hell out of each one. It is amazing the crap that M-Modal will put into a chart, or leave out, and if you are rushing through trying to make up for that cut, some things are bound to be missed. People post on here some of the so-called funny speech recognition manglings and we laugh to keep from crying. It is not amusing. Even good dictators are screwed up should they decide to be helpful and phonetically spell something out for us and the stupid ISR puts everything in that they say and we have to turn around and delete it all--things we would not have put in the chart in the first place so there would be no potential to miss them. Every start and stop. Every "transcriptionist go back to HPI and add..." If we had put half of that BS in a chart, we would have been fired!

Amen WTF! Webmedx sucks - WTF! - Pete

[ In Reply To ..]
Not to mention new versions M-Modal has spyware capability to monitor every single time your fingers leave that keyboard. Watch out!

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