A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

TTD - Setting It Straight - in response to prior posts last week

Posted: Jun 10, 2012

I used to work there for approx. a year or so, before it really went down the toilet. I believe that sheer GREED set it and that's when it went downhill. Although I no longer work there, I have kept contact with some pretty reliable people. There are "100s" who are on the books to work; however, they work when they want, IF they want - there is absolutely no consistency to schedule or hours or days, nothing. Thus, the need to have that many people; the HOPE that someone will be working. The turn-around of people is large because most of the people working there have very llittle experience, if any, and are told pretty much to just crank out the work - hoping SGS or the client does not take a look at the files. Should they check or the client complaints, that person is removed from the account. Thus, one needs quite a few people to cover for those being removed.

I would also like to clear the air about these so-called QA and/or MTs being removed from the TTD Chartnet account (which is not a TTD account as they have no accounts of their own, they are strictly overflow from Superior Global and Chase). TTD did NOT remove or disable these people. Chase Transcriptions removed them as these people had been warned time and again about their quality. So, when these people didn't take heed, slow down and ensure the document was a quality file (possibly these people were incapable of that??), Chase disabled them. From the posts I have read, no one mentioned they had been told their quality was substandard. Management (and I use the term loosely) at TTD would never disable someone for quality - their idea of quality is how many lines can be done to line - the more lines produced, the more $ in the owner's pocket. There was a time on the Chase account QA was told to ONLY FILL IN THE BLANK and was paid PER BLANK LINE (whether it was filled in or not). I explained to "management" it's not the blank that one needs to worry about, it's what's typed that needs correcting. However, I was told this is what the client wants - which I never believed for a second. So, rather than fight the powers that be, I stayed away from that account. Of course when Chase found out about this policy - supposedly THEIR policy - they were shocked.  Anyway, that's anyother story of the nonprofessionalism of TTD.  However, the point is - those that were disabled and posting on the board as such, they were disabled (removed) by Chase.. NOT TTD.

For those thinking about or even those working with TTD now, all I can say is - be afraid, be very afraid. I don't doubt for 1 second there are those not getting paid, or paid in full, or being let go w/out their pay. Way too many people complaining of this for it not to be true.

Also, I would like to mention, there really is no more "management" per se. The extremely unscrupulous owner demoted the 2nd in charge (via email) one night to production QA; although asked that she continue with "nonproductive" work. This person had been with this exploitative and knavish owner for many, many years; typically working 2 shifts, answering questions, and basically was at the owner's beck and call. For the owner to do this to a person who has been loyal, steadfast in her work and ensuring quality at least w/ those files she handled, dealing with MT/QA complaints, mediating, etc., I find this action totally unethical, unprofessional, and unconscionable.

So, for those saying that TTD is a wonderful place to work, my first thought would be one cannot find other employment with a reputable company, a company that cares about quality and one that ensures all shifts are staffed appropriately, or they are not able to pass the tests that other companies implement to weed out wannabe MTs, but whatever the reason, just remember, your time will come. If this owner is going to mistreat her second in charge, what makes you think you are not next. All the owner things about is herself and how to get more $ in her purse; it's not about you, the work or anything else. If you can live with that and the few cents doled out, then you belong there.


You hit the nail on the head! - Former TTDer

[ In Reply To ..]
You have hit the nail on the head with this post. I worked there for a brief period as well and was placed on the Chase account. When I was instructed that I was only going to be paid for the blanks filled in, I decided it was my time to leave. I did not want my name attached to those reports nor affiliated with TTD. Luckily it was not my main job so I resigned after the quality of files that were being sent. The blanks were not the only issue with reports, but there were blatant misspelled words and obvious errors that the QA was not paid to correct. The owner only wants to pad her purse. I reiterate, their philosophy on quality is not quality reports but how many lines can be billed.

I am one of the many that is out 3 paychecks and it is not because I stuck around too long. The owner does not have the funds to cover payroll so she waits until she gets paid by Chase or SGS and then when it is convenient for her she does payroll so by the time you wise up on her, you are still behind 3 pay periods.

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