A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

SmartDoc - Interesting find on Rip Off website - SM

Posted: Mar 17, 2014

Interesting find on Rip Off website.  See link

HA! Thanks for sharing! Smart MT! - anon

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Way to go J'! Good thinking of a way to get the word out of what these companies are doing, but who cares...nobody unfortunately.

especially since it was ONE MT 11 years ago - sour grapes

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mean nothing

Sour Grapes - SM

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I am sure that it meant something to the MT who wasn't paid.
Shows you history repeats itself..and one sour grape spoils the bunch! - TruTest of Time
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Sour management doesn't like the taste of truth.

Just love the way old information is posted - nn

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This information is eleven years old! I currently work there and have NEVER been shorted on my paycheck and have a line count that I can compare to with every report that I type. Many times, my check has been more than I expected, and a lot of times even early. I have made a very decent living working for this company. Unfortunately, things happened that were beyond the company's control, and people have gotten up in arms about it.

SmartDoc - President

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SmartDoc always pays on time. May or may not be a former disgruntled employee. The person only identified her/himself as J'

Check her words (sm) - Rose

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The MT's complaint stated she was not paid for "hours worked 19.75 in excess of typing" so she billed for work required off the keyboard.  All of us should be paid for ALL our work, not just lines they decide to count.  However, I'm sure it was stated in the contract signed that she was paid for production of lines, not time on the phone, research, etc. 

for being an mt for 30 years - you make me shake my head
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When you agree to a piece rate, that rate includes what you need to do to get the job done. If you don't want to pick up the phone, look up a name, or whatEVER then don't agree to the line rate.

I'm so sick and tired of the constant whining and lack of accountability.

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