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I've sent out a few resumes over the past year in hopes of landing a different MT job than the one I have now. Only ONE place (a hospital I would dearly love to work for!) even acknowledged my application. The others? NOTHING. Even though they continued to run ads for the same job I had applied for. I never even got to test for any of them.
So.... fast forward a few months (or years). Suppose one of these no-response companies kept my resume and out of the blue, called me and offered me a job? Would I accept it? NO WAY. Even if I were out of work and currently looking, I would NEVER re-apply or test for a company that blew me off originally. If they don't show even that tiny bit of respect for potential employees, even if they don't need their services at that time, then what kind of respect or fairness would they show to someone who actually DID work for them? Very little.
The fact that those places where I had applied and been blown off are STILL running their desparate-for-help-sounding ads, a year or more later, sure tells me a lot about how happy their current employees must be. Turnover there must be almost daily.
Years ago I had a side business of my own, and one of my clients flaked out on me and didn't pay me after the work was done. I tried repeatedly to collect, but no luck. It wasn't much money, and I was too busy with other clients that DID pay me, to bother with small claims court. So...... about a year later, kharma came back around to bite him in the arse one day, when a dire emergency arose and he needed my services immediately. He said he was sorry about the prior incident, and would pay me double my fee if I could help him out. What I told him was not fit to print, but use your imagination. Man, was that ever a cathartic, get-even moment.