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Patient First Pay - mr

Posted: Feb 02, 2014

Has anyone worked for Patient First company? They have several urgent care clinics in eastern US. If so, may I ask your starting pay? Are they a good company to work for? Do they keep a FT position in plenty of work? Thanks

Patient First - Hanging In There

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If you do a search for them on the Company board you will find some info. I remember reading a few posts a few months ago on this company. Some people think they're great, others hate them. You know, the usual...

Good luck! s/m - USMT

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If you can pass their test, then you're a bad "MF," because most of us who have many years of experience can't even get a pinky toe in the door. Good luck.

PF - work at PF

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I am a current employee, been there a long time. All I will say about the pay is it is better than average and all typing, so no rip-off VR rates to consider.

Excellent company to work for compared to most MT jobs these days. Not as good as my old MT job way back when, but I think those days are long gone, unfortunately, and waaayyy better than the MTSO I worked for. Good benefits & PTO and little perks here and there that make it better than most places.

We basically have work coming out of our ears right now, in fact have been on mandatory OT since early Jan. Have been there a long time and have never, ever run out of work. It has been a little low in the past but never NJA.

Questions s/m - USMT

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How did you pass the test or what tips can you give in order to pass it? I have tried many times, but cannot get past a certain point. Also, what kinds of specialties are you transcribing? I want to apply again because I really want to work from home, but tired of trying and failing.

PF test - work at PF

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I had worked for years and years at a large teaching hospital and was very familiar with just about any kind of accent, so I think that helped a lot. I found the test very challenging, but not a whole lot different than a typical difficult/foreign dictator at my large hospital setting. Some fast talkers, some accents, some mumblers, etc. I do have a good ear for accents, so maybe that helped.

Also, I was used to every specialty at the hospital. Everyone there was required to do everything. PF is a group of walk-in clinics, so the dictation is a piece of cake compared to specials, echos, OPs, cardiac caths, EP studies, etc.

Thanks - USMT
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I have worked in various specialties as well and used to some accents here and there, but most recently been working in one specialty since 2005. I guess I can try again!
PF wince - vernal
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I wince whenever I see that place brought up on this board. I have all the experience of the person with the teaching hosp, etc. but saying exp will help with that test is misleading. It is not accents; it is indecipherable gibberish. There is something hinky about the hiring process there. Constantly advertising yet nearly everyone complains they get no response. Go ahead on and apply. If you get a call from them, it is the luck of the draw. Experience or proficiency have absolutely nothing to do with it.
Agree with Vernal....test is ridiculous and - donethatMT
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not designed to test your "skill" but I believe they want to see who is guessing or leaving blanks. It is utterly unintelligible at times. I actually passed it and got a phone call with a nice interview, which I thought went very well. 25+ years experience working in-house, so have done it all. Never heard from them again and they ran ads right afterward. Just what is it these people want. Whatever!
wow, crazy story - vernal
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On review of your interview, did you pinpoint anything that you think was the reason they did not call you back? It is senseless - it is the most worthless test I have ever taken in my 20+ years. My hunch is that they want young, inexperienced, malleable MTs (because of several posts here about how you have to memorize a lot of abbreviations). But if they want inexperience, why scare gals off with a test of whispering jabber? Some ting wong here! Walk on y'all.

Memorize "a lot" of abbreviations. - NINE PAGES
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That's right, NINE pages of abbreviations. This is a way to cut your pay. You have to use things like LUE for left upper extremity or ROM for range of motion. ANYWHERE they can do this, they use it to reduce your pay. Most reports are very, very short, like 2 sentences. They do not use VR, but I just wonder - when and if they start using EMR, they could eliminate more than half the MTs because the dictations are so short to begin with.

Also, my experience was you cannot apply on line. They have people drive for 8 hours to apply and test, and then hear nothing.
LOL almost none of this is true! - work at PF too
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1) Nine pages of abbreviations. There are about 5 pages of abbreviations, and LUE is not one of them. Most are labs and things like tid and bid, etc. They have abbreviations spelled out on the list because if it is not specifically on the list, it is to be expanded, even if the doctor abbreviates it in the dictation. There are many, many more times when you are expanding than abbreviating. Also, why do you think these have to be memorized? All you need to do is put them in the auto correct once and that is it.

2) The dictations are very, very short, like 2 sentences. Since there are 3 sections to the reports and each section needs info, there are at least 3 sentences per report, LOL! Seriously, how can you give a history, exam, and FU section in 2-3 sentences! Some doctors are wordy, others are short and to the point, but you cannot even have a report with 2 sentences.

3) You cannot apply on line. As far as I know, it is the only way you can apply. I don't know where the cutoff is for driving, but I do know they fly people in to interview for those a distance away. I know this to be true since I was flown in, put up in a hotel, and given a rental car. If you get to this point, I doubt you just never hear from them again.
Curious to know from PF employees... - Hanging In There
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Are the reports that you get on a daily basis anything like the incoherent gibberish on their test???
daily dictations - work at PF
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From what I hear, the docs on the test are actual doctors that dictate at PF, but I am not 100% certain about that.

What is different about our dictation is that we do not get all of the dictation FIFO the way I used to at the hospital I worked for. All of our dictation is not grouped in one big batch for all of their clinics combined. Each clinic has 1 to several transcriptionists assigned to that clinic, depending on how many patients that site may average in a day. Whichever doctors are working at that clinic are yours. You may have a clinic with a terrible dictator, but they are not on every day as they also cover at other nearby PF clinics. Also, since you do your clinic every day, you get very used to your dictators. You have your handful doctors and you make all the auto corrects, etc., you need for just those docs, rather than all of the ones and different specialties you get with acute care. As a result, you get very good/fast with your clinic. The lines add up pretty fast, even on the days when you have some of the not as good doctors on.
My name is Ismael - KNOBS
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A query about PF. Comments on the totally unnecessary garbage test that could easily be changed to one more representative, but no. The endless ads. A sprinkle of shares from people who point out drawbacks. The appearance of the the PF defender. The posts from tiptop MTs (20+) years who were ignored or did not receive a callback. The final post from naive MT who believes she will be the chosen one. The story never gets old, never changes.
you forgot about the - PF thread
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the knob who always shows up, reads every post and takes the time to comment, but offers nothing to the conversation.
I'd rather know by true to life test files what the work is like to make an educated - decision whether its a fit for me. Its called
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better safe than sorry -- for both the MTSO and the applicant.

It's just smart business. Everyone knows all too well with XX-amount of experience you can do it, that's a given. They're just cutting to the chase of "but can you do this" because 'this' will be you once hired.

You people want fluffy tests when the job is actually a challenge are the same ones who cry BAIT and SWITCH when the work hits the fan and it costs EVERYONE very valuable time and money.

No, I'm not a suit and not from this company. I am an MT with 40 years having been all over there and done all of that, and this is my opinion from my experience. I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Dictation is much better - Current P Effer
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I thought the test was horrible sound wise and was a bit scared when I was hired that the dictation was going to be that way too, but it is much better.

I agree with the others, the test was a bear. sm - COMT

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I have 35+ years of experience and I still had to leave a lot of blanks and I never heard back from them so obviously didn't make the cut. It's too bad. I have read a lot of good things about them, but it just was not meant to be, it seems.

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