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MTSOs and residing in certain state requirements - MTmom

Posted: Jul 18, 2012

I am curiious to know why some MTSOs who state they can only hire MTs who live in certain geographical areas of the country even though the work is received through a transcription-based platform that can transmit work over the Internet.  I can understand why an MTSO would want to hire someone who lives in the area to be able to come to the office and pick up tapes, etc.

Labor laws - anon

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They have to comply with labor laws of each state they operate in.

I wouldn't be surprised if Washington state gets blocked from most companies at some point. They have a minimum wage of $10.25 an hour and at the monthly Nuance meeting she was saying MTs from Washington can end up with $300 a pay period in "make up pay" to stay in compliance with minimum wage laws.

and, some have had to pay unemployment - for misclassification

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and therefore will not hire from those states again.

some states-sm - MT with HR background

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Some states require FMLA to be paid, meaning that employees in those states would have to be paid average wages for medical leave, including maternity. That is very expensive. And payroll and other tax requirements vary. And for CA, overtime is defined differently. And then the minimum wage is higher in some states, so if an MTSO subsidized wages up to the state's minimum wage, that could get expensive.

It's why so many of them block California, because - our labor laws are stricter. (nm)

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Washington State - On Site MT

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I live in Washington State. You are mistaken about the minimum wage. On January 1 of this year it went up to $9.04 an hour, I think it's the highest in the country. We have pretty strict laws protecting workers' rights in regard to OT and guaranteed wage. Also, our rules governing independent contractors are pretty strict. So far I only know of 2 MTSOs who won't hire in our state, so it's a big leap to say that all state residents will be blocked from working for MTSOs. That's another lawsuit waiting to happen, as it's discrimination.

Nuance payroll lady said it was 10.25, so I assumed she would know and . . . - anon

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no, it is not discrimination. A business can choose not to do business in any state it wants to.

If it costs too much to do business in Washington or any other state, they can choose to not hire employees there.

There are already MTSOs that do not hire in certain states. Not much of a leap really.

Not sure how that could be interpreted as discrimination.
Whose side are you on? - On site MT
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The least you could have done was checked your facts in regard to the minimum wage. Just goes to show, assume nothing until you have done your own research. The Nuance payroll lady is wrong and should never have shared something like that in an employee meeting anyway, look where it ended up. What are they going to do, fire all the Washington State residents? I know plenty of them who worked for Transcend.
Perhaps you should calm down a bit - anon
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I am not on anyone's "side." Regardless of the minimum wage in Washington state or any other state, facts are facts and the MAIN fact regarding the original post was why companies don't do business in certain states.

The FACT is they won't do business in states where it is not profitable to do so. This isn't a "side" but simply a fact of life.

It is in FACT not discrimination to choose not to do business in any state they wish.

I do not have a crystal ball but it does not take a huge leap to assume that in order to save money a company would choose to not do business in a state that has the strictist labor laws (your words) and the highest minimum wage.

All of these MTSOs are now being required to ensure their employees make minimum wage so you tell me if I can get MTs for 7.25 an hour, why on earth would I hire anyone for 9.04 or whatever the minimum wage is in Washington state.

There is no such thing as geographical discrimination. I tried and failed. - CA MT

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The Dept of Labor and Justice Department both told me the same thing. Any company can choose to not hire someone based on where they live or work.

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