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Landmark/Bayscribe waiting list - maxsmom

Posted: Jun 27, 2013

Just curious if any of you who were placed on the waiting list because of the Bayscribe account that was pulled a couple months ago have actually gotten back to Bayscribe yet?

I kept asking and asking and was told to be patient, IT was working on it. First K said it would be just a few weeks, but then as time keeps going by.....

I was working on the EditScript account she had, but got discouraged because it was about 95% ESL and I just couldn't make any headway with it.

New accounts - OldMT

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She had also put me on an acct that was about 90% ESL. I waited patiently for 2 months and asked about the new accts that were supposed to be coming in. I really didn't believe the answers she was giving me. I finally gave up and quit.

That must be why they are hiring - EX-LM

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I have heard so many lies from this company for the whole TWO YEARS I worked there. I also got fed up with lie after lie and I quit as well. I just stopped working and nobody ever even asked me where I went. I could be dead for all they know. Shows how much they value their employees though, 2 years, I stop showing up for work and I never even got a phone call.

I quit as well - maxsmom

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I worked there for 2 years as well. The EditScript account was crap. There would be a couple reports in there and I would sit and wait and wait. Then, I would get a desperate email on Friday saying they were backed up and needed all the help they could get..the client was upset, etc.

I ended up quitting, too. Thank goodness I had a second job that I was able to go full time with.
I quit because of that also. nm - MT10
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quitting - almost
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for an 80 hour pay period, I have been averaging about 50 hours due to lack of work and the ASR is getting worse. Can't pay my bills right now.

isnt it time - Sm

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to build a bridge and get over it? Everytime someone posts about Landmark you chime in with your tale of quitting (presumably w/o notice) and them not caring.

I've been there for a few years and love it. If I go missing (which I don't because I'm dependable and reliable), they check to make sure things are okay.

The ESL account? If you guys can't cut it on the account how are you making it as an MT? I work on that account too and if you spend 2 weeks doing the work, you'd find the dictators are just fine.

I think sometimes y'all must just get bored and decide to come on and have the same 3 people share their story again and again trying to make the company look bad. Must be a very sad life to live like that.
There are a lot more unhappy than happy posts at LM - LMM
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I was once the Landmark cheerleader as well, until I saw so many lies directed at me and I could no longer pay my bills. This board is for MTs to give their experience and it they are entitled to share, just as you are.

I actually have never posted negative about LM, as I just quit a few months ago. I worked there 5 years and I would have starved to death had it not been just a second income for me. Keep in mind, I was hired for FULL-TIME, but only got full-time work for maybe the first 6 months of working there. While I was struggling and begging for more work, they were constantly hiring new MTs.
If you "never go missing," how can you say they check on you? nm - Curious
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The statement does not really make sense to me. Why would they "always" check on you if you are always there?

I don't work there, but I have seen enough posts to believe that there has to be something wrong with so many people unhappy. Too bad because I love Bayscribe, but I don't love starving to death because I don't have enough work.

How much are they paying for editing on - the ESL account?

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editing - sad

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3 cpl

Ouch - and on a 95% ESL account?

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That's sheer craziness. No wonder they can't keep anyone on the account.

pay - OldMT

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I actually think they didn't care whether I quit because they were paying me a higher line rate. Why pay me what I was making when hired 6 years ago when they can get it for 3 cpl? This is also the first time I posted anything about LM, good or bad. I figure retirement paid more than my last few paychecks I was getting. I'm not bitter, it's just the way things are these days in the world of MT.

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