A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Government contracts - Grandy

Posted: Nov 13, 2014

I have contacted Kerry Bentivolio, Congressman for my district, several times regarding the latest taxpayer travesty. Contracts for medical transcription work at the VA Hospitals are now being awarded to an Indian company, IMedx.

Financial support for these hospitals is being provided by taxpayers, and those jobs and contracts should be awarded to AMERICANS. There are numerous AMERICAN transcription companies that could not only handle this work, but provide more accurate transcription services, because AMERICAN transcription companies employ AMERICANS, who, wait for it, actually speak English. I have discussed this current governmental travesty with VA Hospital representatives, who are well aware that this work is going to a foreign company (IMedX), but according to them it is legal, because it is being fronted by the Americans who sold their company to IMedX and are now providing a front for those operations. VA Hospital representatives stated that this medical transcription must be done by Americans, however, after IMedX took over the company holding these contracts, the American workers lost a significant percentage of their income, and other Americans workers, who had been working those VA accounts, were terminated and provided with emails stating that their termination was due to a "lack of work."

In my opinion, if a so-called American company sells out to foreigners, they should lose government contracts. The current system, which according to VA Hospital representatives was implemented by the U.S. Government, requires AMERICAN taxpayers to fund government services, and those tax dollars are then used to provide funding for foreign companies. This needs to be terminated.

U.S. Government has gone so far as to provide these foreign companies a loophole. If they have an American company fronting them, foreigners can receive government contracts. This government work is required to be performed only by AMERICAN taxpayers; however, as usual when a foreigner takes over, these dedicated AMERICANS lost substantial income and/or were terminated.

Who is now taking care of those AMERICAN taxpayer transcriptionists that lost their jobs because of loopholes provided by American politicians?

Lastly, Congressman Bentivolio, who is safeguarding the private medical information of the veterans served by these VA Hospitals? Do these foreign parasites have access to this information, since they are, due to politician-provided loopholes, the parent company? HIPPA does not apply and is not enforceable in these foreign countries.

I am very disappointed that Kerry Bentivolio, Congressman for my district, has chosen to ignore my inquiries about this government loophole, apparently instituted to assist foreign companies enhance their income while providing unemployment for Americans.

I invite you to log into the MT Stars site, Congressman Bentivolio, and read the posts under the company and main boards, so you can see for yourself the fallout caused by government's use of taxpayer dollars to fund foreign companies.


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Excellent post. I worked for the VA and our government - anon

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had East Indian contracts back in the 60s and there was a huge education agreement going on then. East Indians would be granted medical schooling, yet had to return to their country. Now we are paying the price of the foreign trade taking over. Our children cannot even get into the colleges that we let open to many others under different back doors. Too many travesties go on with politicians who selectively turn a deaf-ear. I will follow suit to my newly-elected representatives, although they all want companies to be rewarded for foreign trade even if it kills us here, which it has.

I had read that the entire VA system was transitioning to - Dragon

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From February of this year:

"Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) announced today the U.S. Veterans Health Administration System will implement Dragon Medical 360│Direct, which delivers Nuance’s unparalleled cloud-based medical speech recognition technology. The VA, which cares for more than 8.3 million patients annually, and includes 14,000 physicians across 152 hospitals and 800 community-based outpatient clinics, plans to deploy Dragon Medical 360│Direct across the entire VA health system. "

See link:


I have read - Grandy

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The HIM director at one of the VA Hospitals told me that also. She said they are only using Alpha until they finish implementing Dragon, so the people at this company who are screwing over transcriptionists will eventually be screwed over. Sounds like Karma to me.

What loophole? - Whistleblower

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Grandy, thanks for continuing on with this issue. I posted on another thread that I am currently appealing to authorities in my state regarding an MTSO that I believe is offshoring in violation of state law. Like you, I have also experienced first-hand how apathetic, lazy, and selfish (not their livelihoods or personal information on the line) a lot of supposedly responsible state workers and agencies are when it comes to thoroughly checking something like this out. This process has been going on for over 2 years, and I will not stop until I get satisfaction that this was appropriately investigated and addressed, which I believe is being done now. We'll see.

While it's financially detrimental to us as American workers and especially offensive to us as American taxpayers that the VA work is most probably being offshored, I would take a different tack with this. First, of all, I don't see that there is any official loophole at all. Just because someone at the VA says they're okay with what is going on with IMedX means there is an official loophole? How does your congressman reconcile what is going on with this VA transcription at IMedX and the VA directive 2008-042 4.c. which states:

"Contracting Officers state in the solicitation that all contracts for performance and verification of medical transcription are required to be physically located and the work is to be conducted within the United States. These stringent requirements are due to the security and privacy concerns associated with the sensitive data that is the subject of these contracts."

Unfortunately, this VHA directive expired August 31,2013, and I do not know if this provision was renewed.

However, the McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act has NOT expired. According to this act, anyone working on services for a government contract must have employee status and be paid the wage determination rate. Do you really think that IMedX is paying that hourly rate to their Indian MTs who are transcribing VA reports? Or providing them with U.S. holiday pay? Or contributing a separate hourly wage to a benefits fund??? I don't think so. The Department of Labor enforces this, but someone has to file a complaint with them. The Department of Labor HAS enforced this with other MTSOs who were not paying US MTs the correct wage or classifying them as employees.

Grandy, if you work for this company, please file an anonymous complaint with the DOL. If you know someone who works for IMedX, please encourage them to file. At this point, the DOL seems to be our most effective advocate and enforcer.

If it makes you feel any better, contact journalists with this story. I contacted several before someone was willing to write about the issue in my state. They are currently awaiting the results of an audit, but if and when the article is written, you can bet I'm going to share it here with my MT sisters and brothers. I am very in favor of exposing government representatives who sell out their constituents, especially when their actions conflict with laws and directives.

If you want to email me (I tried to email you once, but it bounced back as undeliverable), I have been dying to talk to someone for the past 2 years about these issues and get suggestions and encouragement. I would love to encourage you as well.

government contracts - disgusted

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The best way to get some recognition is to contact the media. Get the news stations involved which will go nationwide rather than contacted individual journalists in a small paper that reaches only one city!! I plan to contact my news medias in my state.

Been down this long road. The VA takes the "lowest bid" - anon

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and always has. We always had a rotten dictating system and no funds spend on supplies because you were the government. If the government spends a lot on supplies, people complain. Remember the Air Traffic Controllers and striking in 1981? They had radar equipment that failed when talking to 10 planes at once. They wanted a new computer system...Regan said no. They stuck together for job injustices and even F. Lee Bailey was on their side, but they found a loophole, even though many were Veterans of Viet Nam too.

Knew when services started and loved to get a government contract. - anon
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The one owner of the service would find cunning ways to find out what other companies were bidding and would underbid to get the contract and then pad the lines any way he could. Government contracts were at that time monies to count on.

Would be a much better service if there was one that only dealt with VA records and the MTs were paid as employees, as most of the VA doctors were 90% ESL, but being paid hourly was at least fair...not like it is now.

Been down - Grandy
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I guess we all have to face the reality that most of our government sucks.

government contracts - Grandy

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I have contacted media, but without results.
Grandy...good attempt, but you will be exhausting yourself. - anon
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The song that says "I fought the law and the law won" I hum to myself. Many rules in life, but this one seems to stick. I fought for years, even with the VA. Good job, but bottom line was shut up and collect your paycheck...look at Norma Rae...she is a perfect example.

Interesting because.... - Just me

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the VA would mandate that only US citizens be allowed to transcribe their work and the company would have to send them the ID/social security card copies on all employees. I wonder when this changed? Perhaps someone at the VA isn't paying attention to the fact the work will leave the country and then becomes a national security issue because of the troops?

background check - mtme

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We had to undergo a background check before we could work on the VA contract. I went to my local VA and had fingerprints done, etc. Not sure how Indian transcriptionists could pass that.

I agree - Whistleblower

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Search this message board for Grandy's posts on Alpha/iMedX and her/his communications with the VA regarding offshoring.

I also would like to know how the VA would do background checks on offshore MTs. If you can get a straight answer from the VA about this, I would love to hear it.

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