A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I have contacted Kerry Bentivolio, Congressman for my district, several times regarding the latest taxpayer travesty. Contracts for medical transcription work at the VA Hospitals are now being awarded to an Indian company, IMedx.
Financial support for these hospitals is being provided by taxpayers, and those jobs and contracts should be awarded to AMERICANS. There are numerous AMERICAN transcription companies that could not only handle this work, but provide more accurate transcription services, because AMERICAN transcription companies employ AMERICANS, who, wait for it, actually speak English. I have discussed this current governmental travesty with VA Hospital representatives, who are well aware that this work is going to a foreign company (IMedX), but according to them it is legal, because it is being fronted by the Americans who sold their company to IMedX and are now providing a front for those operations. VA Hospital representatives stated that this medical transcription must be done by Americans, however, after IMedX took over the company holding these contracts, the American workers lost a significant percentage of their income, and other Americans workers, who had been working those VA accounts, were terminated and provided with emails stating that their termination was due to a "lack of work."
In my opinion, if a so-called American company sells out to foreigners, they should lose government contracts. The current system, which according to VA Hospital representatives was implemented by the U.S. Government, requires AMERICAN taxpayers to fund government services, and those tax dollars are then used to provide funding for foreign companies. This needs to be terminated.
U.S. Government has gone so far as to provide these foreign companies a loophole. If they have an American company fronting them, foreigners can receive government contracts. This government work is required to be performed only by AMERICAN taxpayers; however, as usual when a foreigner takes over, these dedicated AMERICANS lost substantial income and/or were terminated.
Who is now taking care of those AMERICAN taxpayer transcriptionists that lost their jobs because of loopholes provided by American politicians?
Lastly, Congressman Bentivolio, who is safeguarding the private medical information of the veterans served by these VA Hospitals? Do these foreign parasites have access to this information, since they are, due to politician-provided loopholes, the parent company? HIPPA does not apply and is not enforceable in these foreign countries.
I am very disappointed that Kerry Bentivolio, Congressman for my district, has chosen to ignore my inquiries about this government loophole, apparently instituted to assist foreign companies enhance their income while providing unemployment for Americans.
I invite you to log into the MT Stars site, Congressman Bentivolio, and read the posts under the company and main boards, so you can see for yourself the fallout caused by government's use of taxpayer dollars to fund foreign companies.