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For TransTech employees - lines - anon

Posted: Aug 22, 2014

Is anyone having trouble meeting their quota? Even with enough work available, I cannot reach my required lines per shift. It's a combo of speech (75%) and non-speech (25%). The dictators are fairly decent and the speech engine seems well trained. I'm just wondering if the issue might not be my capability so much as the line-counting feature they use. 

lines - another anon

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Sometimes, line count is ok, but most days, it's an all-out battle to get enough done. I know part of it is due to dictator issues or really bad sound quality. Sometimes, I don't feel that great, hard to get done when you're not 100%.

productivity - SM

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What no one ever seems to mention is the function of the brain.

If you've been trained on and primarily functioned doing straight transcription, you have developed brain function that works almost involuntarily, you go from ears to fingers.

Doing VR is a different skill set. You aren't going from ears to fingers but rather you have to go from eyes, to ears, to fingers, to eyes (one reason why many fast typists struggle with VR).

When having to go back and forth between the two, you're not likely to ever hit ultimate production because you're constantly switching brain gears.

Sort of like driving a stick shift on the open road, then suddenly in a town with a red light every block, then back to some open road, etc.... you never get that groove :)

Good thought - another anon

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Never thought about it that way, but it makes sense. I bounce between the 2 daily, but my lines are better when there isn't so much back & forth.

That has been my thought too for years! - MT

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You know how we used to be able to get into the "zone," and I started to wonder why I could not do that very well anymore - and I decided it was largely due to the reason you state - The switch between straight and VR. I recently started working on an account that is speech only, so I am interested to see if I can get on a roll again.

Line counting feature - you are smart to question

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A lot of my problem comes down to focus, which is a struggle most everyday because I am bored. But in questioning the line counting ... it has been very frustrating to me. I work in ExEditor. There is a big discrepancy between the line count in ExEditor and my acutal lines counted. I know, I know ... headers, footers, blah, blah, blah. It is more than that. When I started with them (a long time ago), it was around 12%, which has increased quite a bit over time. When I worked for another company that took away headers and footers, they told you for each work type on your account how many lines were being taken out. At TT, that has never been communicated. I'm not trying to bash TT, because I really like working for them for the most part, but I have always felt ripped off, especially as I have seen this gap grow over time without explanation. Upon asking, I was told they have never changed how they calculate their lines. Maybe ExEditor changed how it counts their lines then? However, more than likely I believe the line counting software is used to adjust your pay when they feel it is necessary. Unfortunately, part of this industry's backdoor of trying to take more away from MTs and hoping we won't notice.

I don't really think it is better at any other MTSO.

ExEditor Line Count - See Nuance Board

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I just had a gripe about line counts with ExEditor on the Nuance Board (I work for Nuance, and I don't mean to hijack this thread, but since I am experiencing the same thing, thought I'd mention it).

The biggest thing that drives me nuts about the line count discrepancies is that if ExEditor is the program that we are using to type into, the program that should be the end-all, knows what we're doing, why don't the lines match? Is there some other program that is computing, are they just subtracting a set number of lines per work type/template? For me, when I've added it up, it's almost ALWAYS a 15% difference, and when you're talking about a 100+ line job, that adds up QUICK!

Just curious to hear your thoughts on this.

Line count - you are smart to question

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They are most likely subtracting lines for headers and footers. When I worked at another company, before TransTech, they told us their line counting system would be taking away, for example, 5 lines for H&P, 6 lines for DS, 8 lines for OP reports, etc, as each header and footer template was slightly different for each report.

At TT, they have their own line-counting software that counts my lines and they consider what is in ExEditor to not even be relavant because it counts headers and footers. I don't know how they compute what is taken away for each report. I know at TT years ago it was around 12% difference, then suddenly jumped to 15%, and then now at about 18%, which to me seems to be too much to cover for headers and footers.
I noticed this - anon
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When I got an updated copy of the MT benefits, etc. recently, I happened to see that we only get paid for 1 space, no matter how many spaces we put after periods and colons. I don't think it was always that way and that would account for a good 5% of any given report. I have always felt like there were better line counts in ExEditor than EditScript and I never could figure that one out.

Just saying - Another TTer

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At my last job (I was laid off), in radiology I produced between 2600 and 3500 lines a day. Here at TT, the most I have every produced is 2100 in a day. Generally, it is sad to say, I am only producing between about 800 to 1400. I know a lot of this is because of constantly running out of work, but I really wonder myself about their line-counting system.

Line counting - gonesoon

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I can make quota, as long as I don't have to go to my 2nd and 3rd accounts. To make quota, I figure I have to have 225 lines per hour on ExEditor, according to the way ExEditor counts. I can "guess" at my TT lines, within 2 or 3, by multiplying ExEditor lines by 83%. The big rip-off is the short reports and templated speech report. Total waste of time there, and, oh, yeah - doctors who insist on putting in a 4-line address on a CC.

To gonesoon - another TTer

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You mention the ripoff of short reports. I do radiology, where they are all pretty much very short, going in and out over 100 times per day. My last two jobs gave credit for this, and I have mentioned it to management, but they will not give anything for "engaging the report". And to top it off, radiology MTs do not get incentive lines like the other accounts do. Their response was, "It's just always been that way." They did, however, advertise incentive in their ad when I applied.
Line counting - gonesoon
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That sucks.

Which TransTech? - Rose

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There is only one - nm

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TransTech Medical and TransTech & Support - Rose

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One in Texas and the other in New Hampsire.

It look like people are starting to use just TTS for the one NH which is helpful.
TransTech Medical is the only Transtech - sm
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I've seen you say this before; you keep posting the name wrong. - There is only one TransTech Medical.
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The other company you keep saying is the same has always been called TTS because it is Transcription, Technology, & Support (in New Hampshire). Very different names.
Thanks but posters also refer to TransTech in NH, so you never know. - Rose
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where are you seeing this? The only TT in NH - is a transmission shop. NewPoster
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Can you tell me where you see people talking about this TransTech in NH? The only TT in NH I find is a Trans-Tech Performance which is a transmission shop. The only other medical transcription service other than Transtech Medical Solutions out of Houston is BVS Trans Tech in India. As for TransTech & Suport I find nothing on the internet. If there is another one, I'd like to check it out.

?? (confused)

What other posters? Have only seen you refer to a "TransTech" in NH - So strange that
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you keep arguing this instead of letting it go. I can't figure it out.
I don't know why you keep insisting there are two - sm
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TransTechs. Again, THERE IS ONLY ONE!!!
Don't think she gets there's no 'TransTech' in TTS - or at the end of the day
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never owns up to human error.

I am thinking you are right. - nm
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TTS does not stand for TransTech and support - sm
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It stands for Transcription, Technology and support. TTS and TT are two different companies.
Never said it did - This is a waste of time. - Rose
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What is? I am simply telling you that TTS is NOT - sm
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the same company as TT.
Umm yes you sure did above. - nm
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admit you were wrong already!
Round and round we go...SM - Old Anon
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This argument pops up every few months and it always goes the same way. Someone will ask "is that TT in NH?" to which others reply NO, that is TTS, Transcription Technology and Support, different company. There is NO TransTech & Support, Rose. I work there so I should know who issues my paycheck.
On the other hand, - I guess if you wanted to shorten
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Transcription to 'Trans' and Technology to 'Tech,' it would be Trans Tech and Support, wouldn't it? :-p
And that would be the end of the day, as stated in post - above. I rest my case...
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...never owns up to human error. You are right about one thing - this is a waste of time - there's no reasoning with one dimensional thinking. Welcome back, Rose, I see nothing has changed for you in the time you were...away.

Did it ever occur to you we call out errors for EVERYONE'S benefit? So those who are new to this or just not familiar with any given subject will get the correct information?

Yep and you were correct. She is what Dr. Phil would - sm
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call a right fighter! LOLOLOL!!!!

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