A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Anyone currently working for Infraware? - mt2

Posted: Jul 15, 2014

Are you happy there? Do they pay more than 4 cents/line for SR? Good benefits? TIA.

Looking for Happy at 4 cents and Good Bene's! - 6Dwarfs

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Really? Like the saying goes...there are 6 Dwarfs who are not happy...most of us are rooming with the 6 Dwarfs everywhere!

InfraWare - anon

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InfraWare is not an MTSO. It is a software platform that is used by some MTSOs.

I was told a company I used to work for was taken over by them. sm - mt2

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Company name is changing to Infraware. Benefits and pay stay the same - which is average of 8/cents per line with pay scale. The owner sent an email to a current employee who forwarded it to me. She states she's selling.

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