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AP - How many typing hours do you strive for? - sm

Posted: May 08, 2015

How many hours per day do you ladies strive for typing time.  Also how many hours type time do you usually get versus the actual time you end up sitting at the computer? I'm wondering if I'm doing enough.

Typing hours - iveseenitall

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I usually strive for 8-9, allowing about an hour for some leeway. Some days I'll split a shift--start early a.m. and work 4 hours, take a 2-3 hour break and then do the other 4-hour block late afternoon-evening.

I have no "hours per day" - marge

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I'm a contractor working directly for the physicians/offices I work for. I don't shoot for anything. When the work comes in it has to be done. Sometimes that means 14 hours of work, sometimes 3 hours of work. While I would definitely like more of a schedule to work by I also like the flexibility it affords me to be able to do the work more on my terms. :)

Not sure I understand your question, and I do - sm

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not keep careful records, but what I do is work for a couple of hours, take a short break. If I notice that I'm falling behind the production requirements, I try to type during my break time without counting it. I think this usually ends up being 1/2 hour for free, but breaking it up that way makes it feel less like I'm working for free.

I work exactly 4 hours per day, no more, no less - unless there is no work....

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NEVER over 4 - I can barely stand to muddle thru these horrible ESLs for 4 hours much less 8. I don't know HOW anyone can sit there with this crap for 8 (other than the obvious reason of needing the money).....I just cannot do it.

"ladies" - testosterone

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I've been called a lot of things over the years, but never a "lady" lol.

Just a friendly reminder that the male contigent of medical transcriptionists (or whatever we are called these days due to voice rec) is still here, still struggling, and still broke like the rest of you.

Just trying to keep my humor while struggling with the rest of you ladies.

testie - Anon

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Have always wanted to ask male counterpart if they are paid more than their female counterpart? Can you enlighten?

testosterone - Nick

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As a former college jock (QB), I would never be mistaken for a "lady." But I did MT for quite a while until I began to see the writing on the wall. It's good to know that there are other guys in this world as well. (Hopefully, I have only one more year to go, then I will bid a not so sad farewell to MT and a hopeful hello to the courtroom.) I do say a hearty "Happy Mother's Day" to all of the ladies out there with children. I am sorry that you (just like us guys) are facing the downfall of MT.

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