A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Oct 01, 2012

I tested with them.   I searched and they have an office in India. Please let me know if you guys know anymore about this co.  Is India just overall taking over MT industry?

Is this the - transcription service

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run by aliens? (as in the show V that was on a while ago). Sorry, couldn't resist. LOL!

Never heard of him but received an email from him (sm) - anon

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...from him containing a 16.5-minute voice file of multiple same-day clinical notes to transcribe, and if they were QA free, then files would be sent regularly starting Monday (today). 6.5 cpl (puh-lease).

I didn't feel right about it, for one thing - don't send me current work containing 10 clinic notes and call it a test, and don't send me samples with patient info not blocked out. Secondly, I caught one little blip of broken English in his email, though I went to the site and any mention of location indicated Belden, Mississippi. I hate when they do that - pretend do be an All-American company.

I went with my gut and said no thanks without doing his reports, uh, I mean 'test.'

PS - after 3 hits on this post, it got 1 dislike. The man's title is Founder and CEO of this company according to his signaturei line, and he breaks HIPAA compliance?? Come on.

V transcription - anon

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u got me scared now.


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Anyone know of any other sites other than this one. This one is horrible, made up of disgruntled people who have nothing to offer but chronic complaints. Please, there has to be something better.

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