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What I'm doing now - Former MT

Posted: Jun 30th, 2024 - 8:38 pm In Reply to: Kerplunk.. it's over. sm - KatoIkwe

My best MT job vanished in Fall of 2014, after which began a stretch of plot twists before landing where I am now. I'm a non-clinical employee in a clinical setting. 

Likes: Work on my own 95% of the time in a private office. Excellent benefits. Outstanding medical care (had some issues a few years ago). Doing all right salary-wise. 
Dislikes: Very long commute; WFH not an option. While I loved working remotely, I really don't mind working in-house; that said, the drive can be tiring. I look at it as a trade-off, especially since I won't find a better living situation (mortgage/payments/interest rate) than

Likes: Work on my own 95% of the time in a private office (next best thing to being home alone). Excellent benefits. Outstanding medical care (had some issues a while back). Doing all right salary-wise, which has helped me recover from prior setbacks.

Dislikes: Very long commute; WFH not an option. While I loved working remotely, I really don't mind working in-house; that said, the drive (along with some intra- and inter-office stuff) can be tiring. I look at it as a trade-off; good employment situation and good living situation, the two just aren't close together.

I wish everyone here all the best.


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