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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

From see msg - Ahhh

Posted: Apr 22nd, 2024 - 4:00 pm In Reply to: Not a nurse yet... sm - OP

Oh, I got it. When you said "going back" you meant school, not to nursing itself. I think they have accelerated courses, so certainly something to look into. You're probably aware that when you become a nurse, it will require long, arduous hours if you work in a hospital. Likely very rewarding, though!

I know what you mean about disappointed in the MT field. I bawled my eyes out, then picked myself up by the boot straps and hit the pavement. I still had plenty of MT work, but it was crud, and the cut in pay with Speech Wreck was horrendous.

Best to you!


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