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I agree. - dncnfingers

Posted: Feb 5th, 2024 - 2:07 pm In Reply to: My Take - see messsage

Oh, I agree. I left the position back in November. I'm just trying to get my last invoice paid. Once I hopefully receive that and my 1099, she is a distant memory for me.


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  • Question about late payment as an IC. - dncnfingers (Views: 1633, 2024-02-05, 7:47 am)
    • Late payment - Happened to me (Views: 874, 2024-02-05, 11:08 am)
      • Thank you. - dncnfingers (Views: 705, 2024-02-05, 11:34 am)
        • Late payment - I was beyond angry (Views: 861, 2024-02-05, 12:17 pm)
          • Late pmh - AJMRN (Views: 737, 2024-02-08, 10:01 am)
    • My Take - see messsage (Views: 868, 2024-02-05, 2:02 pm)
      • I agree. - dncnfingers
        • No payment - Who os this (Views: 871, 2024-02-05, 4:49 pm)
          • No payment - TiredMT (Views: 840, 2024-02-06, 7:52 am)
            • I will! - dncnfingers (Views: 959, 2024-02-06, 9:28 am)
              • PAY - June (Views: 797, 2024-02-24, 8:47 am)