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Late payment - I was beyond angry

Posted: Feb 5th, 2024 - 12:17 pm In Reply to: Thank you. - dncnfingers

Like you I was furious beyond words. I wrote a letter to the client, probably wasn't even read and just tossed, but I had to do something. I could not do anything to the company, so I was hoping they fired them, due to harassment from her MTs. I never heard a word back and I think but can't quite remember now if I wrote off the unpaid money on my taxes. Check on that if you decide to do that.

You may get paid though, perhaps when she does. This was going on a couple of years ago from another company, which name escapes me now, but it was a fiasco. Perhaps someone can remember what company that was and if they finally got paid. I think it was something Keystrokes ????

Again good luck!


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      • Thank you. - dncnfingers (Views: 706, 2024-02-05, 11:34 am)
        • Late payment - I was beyond angry
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