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MTSOs: Why don't you contact the people making the errors - instead of blanket emails to all? SM

Posted: Aug 16th, 2023 - 1:18 pm

You're an entity all your own.  You shouldn't be bound by whatever socially or politically correct bullshit boundaries are in place to protect delicate little snowflake feelings.   There's no HR department for people to go crying to with any of you. 

Years ago I had this complaint in house with a few large hospital systems.  Asked the managers straight out why don't they tell the people actually doing the errors instead of the whole team and then you have to deal with the emails from everyone asking if it's them responsible for errors.   Managers all told me the same thing, that it's singling someone out and making them feel bad.  TOUGH CRAP.

You're making me feel bad when I get a blanket email like that and then have to second guess myself and wondering if I've been the one making multiple errors.   I will be the first to admit I'm not perfect.   However, I do NOT like getting blamed for someone else's lazy errors.

Nor do I like having to deal with errors in templates made by the office staff and their work not spellchecked.   MTs are told to spellcheck their work before sending, but it's apparently okay for office staff who create these templates to send them to the MTs with errors because I've seen these same errors for almost a year in one specific document.   I've complained before and it did no good.  

MTSOs need to clean their own house first before blaming the MTs for everything. 


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