Error correction - Different point of view Posted: Aug 17th, 2023 - 12:20 pm In Reply to: MTSOs: Why don't you contact the people making the errors - instead of blanket emails to all? SM
This is management style across the board. I worked on site, and when errors were made, a reminder was sent to the group regarding errors they were seeing and asking people to be cognizant. It confused me as well, but I think it's just the team approach they embrace these days. I think there is a reason for it not wanting to hurt someone's feelings. If I thought I was the one making the errors, I would ask. You are basically doing the same thing by posting something that probably none of them will read. The MTSOs are not entities of their own. For one thing, they answer to their clients, and also probably report to upper-level management or a board. The larger organizations have HR departments who may train managers in a certain way. Almost everyone answers to someone else, no matter high up you go on the ladder. Unless you're in a management position, it is not your role to be complaining about errors made by the office staff.
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