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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

I’ll leave when you do - MYOB

Posted: Aug 25th, 2023 - 11:22 am In Reply to: you have every right but why? why are you so hung up on the past - move on - retire already

I’m well aware of the state of MT now, which is why I got out when my job was outsourced. That was several years ago and the handwriting was on the wall then regarding the future of MT. I am still working PT at a non-MT job, but if this is how I choose to spend some of my free time, that is my choice. You are the one who needs to mind your own business and stop telling me what to do. My guess is that at least half the people who participate here have never done MT in their life and there are others like me who got out but still come here. Maybe we enjoy watching a train wreck. One thing that is obvious is that this is no longer a site dedicated to US-based transcription.


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