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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

Aquity - Tm

Posted: Jul 23rd, 2023 - 1:36 pm

I've seen multiple posts about MTs being fired from Aquity in the last year.

I was just hired for Aquity as a part time pathology transcriptionist. I've done pathology only for at least 16 years, and my current company has lost multiple accounts to Epic. I decided to find other pathology accts and Aquity was the first I've seen that is specifically hiring for that specialty.

Why is Aquity firing seasoned MTs but also hiring MTs for path? I was told by their training person that Aquity has taken on several more path acct and they need transcriptionists.  I've seen all the bad reviews of this place, I'm curious if all the former MTs were pathology or HIM, radiology, etc. I currently work for one facility and the main dictator is Croatian, accent is terrible, and the rest of the work is a pain in the rear.  I figured Aquitys work is probably just as bad as what I'm used to. 


Also, can Shorthand be used with the platforms Equity has?


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