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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

MModal/Aquity - sleepymt

Posted: Jul 25th, 2023 - 9:40 pm In Reply to: Aquity - Tm

I worked there when it was MModal. It was my first MT job and longest one as I was there for many years. I did everything. At the time, they would throw some radiology and path at you but then it became specialized, they gave it to others and it paid more. Still, I did every other specialty, test, op, clinic, hospital notes, etc.

Working there was ok. I generally had pretty good dictators but there were always some that were bad. At the time, I was allowed to write a note/comment about background noise, eating, mumbled speech, etc. Can't do that anymore! I had one good manager and the other were very difficult, but not the worst. It was very strict. I was put on notice more than once for not making line count through my quality was consistent and high. I seemed to get the managers that liked to threaten firing to motivate you.

Despite the stress, it worked out because I was an employee with medical, 401K, etc and had sick/vacation time that I could always use when I didn't have work. In fact, that was the rule. When you didn't have work, you chose no pay or used sick/vacation pay. I used that. It worked out.

I was laid off during one of the big purges right as COVID hit. They were getting rid of regular MTs and going with scribes. It didn't matter how long you'd been with them. They simply didn't care or want you. The one who had been around the longest were often the first to go.

Since then, I've worked as a contractor for a few companies who get their work from Aquity. That way, Aquity can keep the same clients but contract out so they don't have to pay for more employees. *shrug*

They've been advertising for path transcriptionists for awhile. I think they realized they needed it whereas the other MT work can be done for pennies as a subcontractor.

When I worked for them, they used Fluency. I currently use FutureNet (QTranscribe) and Fluency. To the best of my knowledge, Shorthand can be used. However, Fluency has a built in expander.

I wish you luck. Path is definitely something companies seem to want as well as legal and financial transcription.


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