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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

MModal/Aquity - Tm

Posted: Jul 25th, 2023 - 9:56 pm In Reply to: MModal/Aquity - sleepymt

Thank you, I've done pathology for 16 years now, my current company had every usual MT job and a few path accts, I ended up with 4 path accts at once since no one else had any experience with it. Our company is small and the owner hasn't done much to keep any account so I'm down to 1 path acct now. I figured I'd at least feel out other companies to see if there's work out there before trying to branch out into legal or general trans. I'll be part time with Aquity to start, so if it's awful, I won't be hurting to drop it.
So many facilities have switched to voice recognition only and the docs aren't happy about it. It's always too late when they realize they need MTs.


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