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From what I know, Aquity farms out their pathology - to other MTSOs. I was put

Posted: Aug 7th, 2023 - 10:43 am In Reply to: Aquity - Tm

on a Texas account and it was horrible. Chinese doctor was beyond ultra picky and the doctor who dictated the bone marrow reports was confusing and it took far too much time to transcribe it, which ultimately meant below minimum wage earned.

Salaried MT's should be typing this crap, but noooo, IC's are expected to take it on the chin and be grateful to earn $200 per week.


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  • Aquity - Tm (Views: 1896, 2023-07-23, 1:36 pm)
    • Aquity - madeline (Views: 1119, 2023-07-23, 7:42 pm)
    • LinkedIn - SanyaPepega (Views: 810, 2023-08-03, 3:08 pm)
    • From what I know, Aquity farms out their pathology - to other MTSOs. I was put