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You're Welcome, but it started because of you - JM

Posted: Oct 28th, 2019 - 3:13 pm In Reply to: Excellent Post - need to know

My first detective spot was here...MTStars. I read the comments made from 2011 onward about this company. From there, I found other stuff. You guys have all posted important information. When I started all this, I thought...OK...bankruptcy...we all make mistakes, maybe they are rebuilding, getting it together, so let's see where that goes. OMG!! What a financial nightmare! They cannot handle their own affairs, so how can any employee take on work knowing they will not get paid? But, I owe it to your posts first and foremost. You have communicated your issues very well and, like someone else said, I hope MTs read these comments before getting into this company and then living without paychecks.


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