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I am so very pleased to hear you contacted the health system - and explained things. SM

Posted: Oct 28th, 2019 - 12:17 pm In Reply to: Avoid Keystrokes At All Cost! - JM

It's about time somebody does.

I expect this company to fold by the end of the year in one way or another, whether being sold or outright abandoned by taking what money is left and running off somewhere.

I'm really sorry for KS people. I've been one of their defenders for quite a while, but anyone who stays after all this definitely is asking for what's going to happen and has only themselves to blame. You won't get your back pay. She's got too much debt already to pay you. Your piddly little paychecks aren't worth time and effort of most attorneys to help you collect. You're toast.

I'm also one who applied out of curiosity to see what kind of BS they would tell me. I asked very blunt and direct questions about payroll and such. No surprise I was completely ignored - despite telling them I could work any shift they wanted as well as overtime or float coverage.

You'd think they would have jumped on that right away. Nope. Didn't have the guts to answer my questions.

I should make a fake resume and apply again to get hired and get set up so I can get account information and then inform the hospital systems of this hot mess.


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