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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: What I Did.. (Views: 34)

KS going out of business - Happy Dance

Posted: Oct 28th, 2019 - 1:40 pm In Reply to: They still have about 26 openings on their page but this - toggle between accounts all shift is BS sm

The sooner she is out of business the better. The only ones who will suffer though are the MTs who continue to stay on with KS or the unsuspecting ones who do not frequent this site.

She will come out just fine, as people like that have this sort of thing down to a system. Someone told me they knew a couple who every 7 years filed for bankruptcy. They lived it up for 7 years and then filed. I don't really know how many times you can do that, but as long the CC companies dole out the cards, I guess indefinitely.

Now if only Nuance and AQ/MM would bite the dust as well. I doubt any good companies will ever be out there again or this job ever be a viable one again, even for supplemental income, but these "robbers" need to be held accountable and run out of town on a rail with nails!


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