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Copy of letter below. - see message

Posted: Oct 13th, 2019 - 7:00 am In Reply to: Oh, I did. Twice. Still no pay. nm - Happy4U

You can change the first line to read pay checks from pay dates you are waiting for if still employed at KS. Make copies of any emails as well requesting your paychecks. DOL and attorney general may request this information.


Your name
Your Street Address
Your City, State, and ZIP Code

Your Employer’s Name
Your Employer’s Street Address
City, State, ZIP Code

[The Date]


My job ended on [put here the day of your firing, lay-off or resignation]. More than 15 days have passed since then and you still owe me money for my work. You owe me at least [put here the amount you believe you are owed]. I ask for immediate payment of the amount due. If you do not pay this in full, you may become liable for payment of all costs and attorney's fees if I have to hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit to get what you owe me. You may also be liable for payment of additional money as a penalty, as well as legal interest.

If you believe you do not owe me the full amount I have stated, but only a part of it, the law requires you to pay me immediately the amount you agree you owe me. You should also tell me the reason why you are not paying the full amount.

Please send the amount due me to my current address: [put your address here]

Sincerely, ________________________ [Your signature and printed name]


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