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Company Board

Mail her directly if you have no access to work email. - I responded to the recent hiring ad SM

Posted: Oct 11th, 2019 - 7:06 pm In Reply to: Officially done with KS after 3 months. SM - OMT

I said I could work any of the shifts they wanted but I had some questions first. Neither Irene or LT responded LOL.

I asked direct, blunt, to-the-point questions including is the payroll problem fixed now and is all the back pay caught up, would I be guaranteed pay on time, and is the owner going to reimburse my late fees on bills and pay those bills for me if the payroll is not made on time.


But that's about the crappiest thing I've ever heard - shutting you out of the company email after you tell them you're not working for free.

Wow. If that doesn't make people finally wake up and run, I don't know what would.

Email her, keep calling, keep leaving constant voicemail messages, nag her incessantly if you want that money.


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