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Officially done with KS after 3 months. SM - OMT

Posted: Oct 11th, 2019 - 6:36 pm In Reply to: I would ask LT about the 9/10 check. I think they were all paid. sm - KS MT

I didn't listen to the "late pay" warnings. I was told by the recruiter that pay might be a "few days late." I was no work for too long for "M" after many years of service and so I took a chance so I could have "benefits" and taxes paid, etc. What a nightmare! My auto-pay bills had to be stopped because of "courtesy pay" charges and I ended up being overdrawn. I resorted to emailing LT continuously so that I would finally get paid. I was told I was "on the list to get paid," whatever that means. The best part is, I found another job, stopped working for KS, didn't let them know, and it took them an entire month to realize I was not working anymore. I get the "is everything okay?" email, told them I do not work for free, and was shut off from KS email. Now I can't even email LT and "beg" for my pay for 10/10, which isn't much, and I doubt I will ever receive. Never in my life have I ever gone through anything like this.


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