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I took a job with Keystrokes, BUT... - KS and ME

Posted: Oct 11th, 2019 - 11:29 pm In Reply to: New Hire - How in the world

I took a job with Keystrokes because they were the only non-Nuance company that had work available on the weekends, plus the employee status was a bonus.

The big "BUT" is that I'm using the Keystrokes part-time weekend work to pay 100% of the taxes that I owe from my Independent Contractor transcription jobs that I do during the week: On my W4 form, I added on an extra large additional withholding so that everything I earn from Keystrokes goes straight to the IRS, and I don't have to send in any extra tax money at all. If anything, I should be getting a tax refund.

The upshot is that I never get an actual paycheck from Keystrokes so if a paycheck is late it means nothing... and if they don't eventually pay what I'm owed, the IRS will be handling matters on my behalf.


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