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New hire -- How in the world - Warren479

Posted: Oct 11th, 2019 - 2:26 pm In Reply to: New Hire - How in the world

Okay...let me get this straight...you aren't trying to "bash me" but you question my decision making process? Yes, I was fully aware of the track record that Keystrokes has and the chatter on this board. I lost a really good job this last September when the hospital that I worked at for over 10 years went to voice recognition and fired all of us without warning. I had been working from home but not for a Nuance clone. I then went to work for 2 separate Nuance clones but between constantly running out of work and being harassed because I wasn't getting my 1600 lines per day (on a horrible account), they terminated me. I personally think doing editing sucks, especially at 4 cents a line and I was willing to take a chance with Keystrokes for better pay, constant work and being an employee once again (instead of having to pay my own Social Security and taxes). My decision and I don't expect you to agree with it. If I get screwed, then so be it but it cannot be any worse than the paychecks I was getting from Nuance clones.


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