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You dont really pay if you dont rack up $15 a month in usage. - That is what I understood the terms SM

Posted: Sep 27th, 2019 - 11:17 am In Reply to: What does page 93 say. - Need to pay for Pacer.

Apparently you need to register with a real name and a debit/credit card to prove you're a real person because this is a federal or legal related website I would imagine.

I only racked up about 50 cents last night and didnt really see much of interest.

However, I did email her again and tell her off. That's pretty satisfying and stress relieving.

***EDIT: Apparently you are only billed quarterly for PACER use. Makes more sense for legal type work rather than billing a day at a time for a dollar or two or three a day charges.

It's not really worth all the time and trouble to go thru.


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